There isn't enough of it. It needs to drop in much larger quantities from all sources....

Unfortunately since GW is hard as heck, I have hardly 0 gold income aside from the days that it unlocks


  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    GW is very easy. What is your team and level?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I have not lost a GW since farming Barriss...
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    QGJ, Lumi, Leia, GS, Ashoka.

    Level 66-69...mostly maxed gear and abilities anywhere from 4-6
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    You should use 2 healers at all times, 3 would be best.
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    I use 1 healer at a time, bariss lead +4 more Jedi. I rarely have more than 2 characters die, but sometimes...let's just say it's a good thing I got 16 7* characters at 70
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    utkCREW wrote: »

    QGJ, Lumi, Leia, GS, Ashoka.

    Level 66-69...mostly maxed gear and abilities anywhere from 4-6

    QGJ, Lumi (L), and GS are all on my GW team. I use JC and usually Sidious but it doesn't really matter I used Eeth today. JC is key, he can heal every fight, a lot of times twice.
  • Options
    Retreat if you lose too much health or characters
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    You need more Healers. I use a Lumi lead for her evasion and passive every turn heal, and JC for his fast turn around. I rarely need to sacrifice anyone. Most runs I lose one or two toons tops.
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