Waow, no refresh after Update

58 posts Member
Am I the only one to have this : my game is locked at this night on my daiy activity. I can't gain nothing by it today : no xp, no cristals etc. My game looks like we are yesterday, plus the update (lol...)

Due to the very very very bad feedback I had with the support I wonder if I try again a ticket (to peaple who don't understand nothing at all at the game...), or if I just preparing myself to forget this EA game with a support who don't even respect those customers (a guy of the ea support wrote me by mail that the cristals are automicaly regenerated !! looooool, but a sad lol).

Ps : close this post and the fate will be done !!! You will help me to make my choice :)


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Wait another hour then lose your cool.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Ok i don't understand what is your problem exactly, but maybe force close your phone and open it again. Delete and reinstall the app (don't worry you won't lose anything). And yes, bombard them with emails, but be sure to include a lot of pictures, i personally don't understand what is the problem you are having.
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