I like how level 80 is being handled

I have to thank EA on how they decided to handle the level 80 jump. By adding in new gear pieces that no one has yet, it has prevented players from just stocking up and being able to create a huge gap between players. This is a good decision, because otherwise some people would have been up to level 80 in a few days and had way better gear and abilities. Now all a person can really do is go up in level and increase a few abilities but not the gear. It keeps things more in check and forces development of characters to go slower.

Hats off to EA. Someone really thought this well and it is good. Of course an easier solution would have been to increase the overall level cap by 1 level for each week. Would have forced everyone to take 10 weeks to get to level 80 but both ways work.


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    Some people have them though, this is the point why people are mad at this update

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    Some people have the gold mat? Show me a screen shot of someone that is level 80 with the golden mat.
  • Berimbolo
    946 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    XxReaperxX wrote: »
    Some people have the gold mat? Show me a screen shot of someone that is level 80 with the golden mat.

    No, the gear for the Droid Callers, Furnaces and whatever, if you pre-crafted them, they didn't require the new 50 piece item that is currently not available
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If you had enough gear to pre-craft, kudos to you... Thats how it works...
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    Still waiting to see if it's a joke. If not though, I already have enough droid callers and such to get the next gear level for QGJ,Yoda,GS,Daka,Poggle, and JC. Unless they don't get any remarkable increases from the next tier, like +speed, it would seem very unfair.
    517 posts Member
    Exactly. I crafted 5 droidcallers and 1 furnace at last moment. My Rey will be happy, at least.
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    Crafted 8 collars and one garbage can lid. Unfortunately didn't have the hair dryers for Rey :/
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
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    I really like how EA has given me the advantage over other in arena. It was getting crazy lately as ppl maxed their character. This is a much need update to allow me and other to widen the gap over other player, lol.
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    Id like to craft another qgj lightsaber
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I think many of the complaints on the update are rather shortsighted. People seem to think only in spans of a few weeks ahead. They don't take the bigger picture into account... In my own humble opinion, that is.

    There are basically four different tools available for the developers to pace how fast players can max out their toons:
    * Shards
    * Levels
    * Gear
    * Abilities

    This update changed the pacing a lot for three out of these four aspects of our characters. Level progression is slowed down, new gear pieces have been added, and abilities are getting a hard cap on their pace, with one ability mat per day.

    In the long run, this means that big spenders will be capped to a speed that's not all that different from regular spenders. Somebody spending crystals to hit lv80 early would have to spend something in the order of 50-60,000 crystals, for the chance to get about 20 more omega mats than the more regular spenders, who might do 3-4 refreshes per day. From what I've seen, 20 mats translate roughly into ONE ability maxed out toon.

    Regarding gear, the new gear challenges are including more of the gear that used to be a pain to gather between 60-70. For instance, we will likely never have to farm for Mark IV Arakyd droid callers again. So as we progress in level, it becomes easier to bring up new toons to a decently playable level, but increasingly hard to stay at the absolute forefront of the gear grinding. And that holds true for everybody.

    I am convinced that the big concern for most players is the lack of new content and the lack of consequent information from GC, rather than the actual gear farming. Because unless the unlikely event happens that somebody has run out of sim tickets, the gear farming takes at most five minutes of the daily GOH routine. I think it's rather the unfortunate combination of lack of enjoyable gameplay and uncertainty about the future updates that ticks people off.

    With that said, people tend to read way too much into the information that's handed out by GC. Half of the salty threads in here could, I believe, have been avoided if some people took the time to stop, read and contemplate what is actually communicated by the developers.

    Thanks for reading my rant. Sorry if I said anything that offended you. Peace, love and puppies?
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