Squad Arena Team - Randomly Changed

Hi all,
I've been playing since US launch, and have never experienced this before. I dropped a good 30 spots in the last hour and then noticed that my Squad Arena team was completely changed. And i didn't make any updates to my formation. Has anyone ever experienced this before? Thoughts on why this may have happened?



  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    You share your device with someone?

    You forgot you used a goof team on your last attack?

    How can you even tell who is on your team aside from your leader?

    Its near west coast payout, you are prolly just getting hit hard.
  • Cover
    4 posts Member
    Yeah, i was thinking all of the same things. I'm totally cool with getting rocked in the top 50 during payout. It was just weird to see that when i went back in, my entire Squad was changed. Haven't shared the device or account with anyone. Just really weird!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    How did you view your squad?

    There is no such display option.

    You were looking at someone else's team.
  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    How did you view your squad?

    There is no such display option.

    You were looking at someone else's team.

    Unless he had attacks remaining.
  • Cover
    4 posts Member
    When I went to fight my next battle, the Squad was changed. The team that was setup was not even Max 7*. I've always believed that my defensive formation was the last formation I attacked with. So, going back in and seeing another team lineup, makes me think that my squad randomly changed on defense.
  • Cover
    4 posts Member
    It's not really a big deal, i'm just dropping crystals to get back to my payout position. I would just hate to wake up in the morning and find that I have a really bad lineup in there and drop 200 spots.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Any chance maybe you partake of "adult" substances? They have been known to cause some confusion in the past.

    Did the replacement team seem familiar at all? Like maybe it was a Cantina or Challenge team?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Post hoc ergo propter hoc may apply here.

  • sid
    232 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Cover wrote: »
    I dropped a good 30 spots in the last hour and then noticed that my Squad Arena team was completely changed. And i didn't make any updates to my formation. Has anyone ever experienced this before? Thoughts on why this may have happened?
    I have read comments that people have noticed similar oddities.
    Opponent's team comp changed immediately after battling them, although it shouldn't have changed that quickly since the opponent should have been locked in battle.
    An ally's Daka still shows as 6* for several battles then went up to 7*, although Daka was starred up to 7 and was used in a battle prior to being added as an ally.
    People being offered toons from their allies, that their allies don't actually have.

    Perhaps there is some lag in the servers? Or they don't always use the most up to date data? Or maybe they are glitchy? It seems that the game servers don't always have the same data as on our individual devices. It's not like online banking where everything is in perfect sync.
  • Cover
    4 posts Member
    @Timitrock Lol, that would answer a lot of questions, but unfortunately not. :)

    Yeah, the replacement team wasn't anything I would have ever put in, for any battle type. :)
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Sounds like a display bug paired with normal payout time.
  • Options
    If you change your team and challenge someone but your squad is already in a battle or your opponent is in a battle and you get either message it will keep your arena team as you changed it
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