Arena issue

Don't you think that due to the new changes that have created a stalemate arena meta, maybe you should change the way your draws work? I can have 4 people alive and I'll win if I have 10 more seconds but because of the new protection and defense, teams have become about blocking people from winning in 5 mins. Easily done now, thanks to ea's r&d sector (who should all be fired and deported). Consider making arena so that draws aren't the only thing you can attain. Remember the barriss offee meta you all screwed up on? You've recreated it. Find some way to fix arena so it becomes fun again... Please?


  • Options
    Can you also fix the fact the your opponent has protection but you don't. Seems a little unfair don't you think?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Funny, this meta is treating me rather nicely.
  • Options
    I find it incredible that I can have 5 members and my opponent has 1 when time runs out and it's a draw... obviously people at EA have never been in a real fight.
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