Can you please get rid of the guild competitive side of things

386 posts Member
No one in the guild should earn more then anybody else as its a team game mode, i bet alot of people feel cheated out of the game cause i do, put so much time into build a multi roster for arena, campaign, GW, challenges and now i have to do the same again with the raids which will take months and all that progress is for nothing, im lucky if i place below #30 in guild rank and have a strong roster but harldly any debuff characters, and my guild mates are ruining me on score and no chance of progressing any faster with this score system, i saw an idea on tiering the rewards on damage and that gives everyone a better chance on obtaining better gear, i completely agree with this because it seems more fair overall because it wont be long before i start losing alot of ranking in the arena slowing progress even more, if i was to make my own guild and build it up with players with a worse roster then me and just place 1st all the time just leaves everyone else at a disadvantage and its just poor, rescheme the raid rewards system pleaseee!


  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    I'm happy that some of my team mates do.double my dmg. Let them have more rewards. I'm fine. They help me get my rewards as well.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I am fine with the current state of guilds.
  • Spiro
    58 posts Member
    Meh, just make the differences in rewards smaller.
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    It bothered me at first but I'm probably around 10th strongest in my guild with only the top 2 being a bit out of sight. I'm quite looking forward to reeling them in, depends what sort of guild you are in I guess, whalemania and you might as well leave
  • Old_Tallen
    385 posts Member
    Manage guild properly = problem solved.

    Rotate the top 3 payout slots to bump your lesser geared guild mates and boost the entire guild as a whole.

    Problem is, 99% of guilds are random collections of selfish people who only joined a guild for the rewards that benefit them and why not, this game actively punishes players for not joining a guild, so it's unavoidable.

    Watch when a pug guild fails a raid all the tryhards jump ship onto the next wobbly pontoon. It's such a shame, guilds could have been awesome, instead it's mandatory attendance for most and a massive gear bump to the privileged few.
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