Savage Opress

52 posts Member
Quick question about him...why do I not hear people complaining about him being too good? I am not complaining myself...I just want to know what his downfall is that I must be missing. He has a ton of health, hits pretty hard, and gets those two buffs every time he is attacked. How is he not considered over powering? Again, not complaining. Just genuinely curious about this


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If his damage were higher, people would complain.
  • zerizut
    425 posts Member
    Because the game is ruled by speed cannons, which he is not.
  • Sweep
    58 posts Member
    He gets a 30% damage upgrade at level 76. you might hear more complaints about him after people apply that upgrade.
  • zerizut
    425 posts Member
    I fought the upgraded Opress in GW. He's still a cupcake.
  • samjp
    52 posts Member
    Interesting...ok guys, thanks for the input! I'm going to put my Arena tokens towards ST Han
  • Dwinkelm
    772 posts Member
    He's also a sucker for QGJ's buff removal/offense up. Super easy to look at turn meters, attack SO so he is buffed, remove them with QGJ and give your whole team offense up, and then you can decide if you wanna leave him alone with no buffs, or just keep wacking him since you've already hit him twice and now your team has offense up.
  • Dwinkelm
    772 posts Member
    That being said, I have a pretty stocky SO, and I like him for challenges or GW suicide squad
  • Options
    I have him at 7* for gw but haven leveled him past 62. I am lvl 77 now, so i am tempeted to level him and throw the omega mat on his attack (considering i love his toon), but I haven't fought a Savage that gave me the least bit of trouble, so I can't justify the waste of resources...and I am a big fan of him. He needs a buff or a taunt or something to make him valid. right now he is a kill last toon.
    [LWI] | 298-352-583
  • Dwinkelm
    772 posts Member
    Taunt or counterattack on SO would make him a must-have. I used my omega mat on Daka today and also just 7* her, made my arena team much more stout
  • Sucka
    59 posts Member
    Dwinkelm wrote: »
    He's also a sucker for QGJ's buff removal/offense up. Super easy to look at turn meters, attack SO so he is buffed, remove them with QGJ and give your whole team offense up, and then you can decide if you wanna leave him alone with no buffs, or just keep wacking him since you've already hit him twice and now your team has offense up.

    Doesn't work that way anymore. If you use humbling blow on an unbuffed Savage you just buff him and get nothing, if you do it while he is buffed then you can still get offense up but you renew his buffs as well (so basically they cannot be dispelled at all anymore).
  • Dwinkelm
    772 posts Member
    ^^ ah yes, you are correct, Savage does regain his buffs, I forgot about that
  • Options
    I have his basic now maxed, and yes he hits pretty dang hard. He is my highest toon, also gear 9 and I love him. People with quigon love to attack savage because it gives their whole team offense up.. Also savage is easy to stun. Finally if you just dont attack savage, he is pretty static. He will be a cool gear X when i reach level 80, which I am very excited about
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