Rock, paper, scissors - mechanic proposals to counter evasion

So we currently have an evasion Meta with Dooku dominating the leaderboards.

There is already a megathread to discuss the evasion issue in general, I want to get straight to a proposal to change the game mechanics to make higgh evasion counterable.

Evasion Up Buff
+Evasion leader skills

Banking up on high evasion especially by Dooku leader is causing high levels of frustration and some mechanics which have no counter in the game.

There are powers which are in need of a revamp. Advantage was changed for the better, so, let me propose changes to two other skills:


Stealth - stealth attacks should have an innate evasion debuff. Under normal circumstances, the character's base evasion should be dropped to 0%, meaning "stealth attacks cannot be evaded" - unless the char has very high evasion. A very high evasion would be nerfed to a very modest value.
That improves the value of stealth, which currently becomes less valuable the more party members have it active.

Expose - Expose would be an anti-foresight. An exposed character would have the next hits always land. That is Dodge + buffs multiplied by 0.
Expose would work like Offense Up in that it may remain active for a number of turns.
A character with foresight or stealth would have those buffs cancelled if it suffers an expose debuff, but expose would be cancelled as well. The reverse would be true: A character with Expose getting a stealth or foresight buff would instead have expose be cancelled along with the buff.


  • CPTRogers
    107 posts Member
    I think maybe add "Shatterpoint" or whatever that red skull ability is called from the Gam Guard's in the raid. They hit 100% of the time (that I've seen) when it's on a character.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Or people could just attack dooku. He's not actually any better then other leads. Rarely Does he influence the outcome negatively.

    The AI is so bad it doesn't matter. The secret to killing the dooku meta is only attack people with dooku.
  • Salgado9
    529 posts Member
    Dooku and Obi Wan aren't OP. The evasion bonus on the AIs hands is just ridiculous. Facing Obi Wam teams is terrible because if I'm running fives and they attack, he'll counter and if they dodgge they'll get granted a free 25% TM boost. And if they had speed down and they dodge well that puts them at 50% TM. It's just crazy, maybe they just rushed the game way too much and well it came out inbalanced and improperly made. But since it's Star Wars people will still plays cause not too many things are better than Star Wars lol
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    Greg1920 wrote: »
    Or people could just attack dooku. He's not actually any better then other leads. Rarely Does he influence the outcome negatively.

    The AI is so bad it doesn't matter. The secret to killing the dooku meta is only attack people with dooku.

    Leader Abilities remained active even after the leader dies AFAIK. Besides, that's not the point.

    The point is that every strategy must have a proper counter. High Dodge is an advantage which can be built upon. There should be a way for the player to counter that.

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