Global War - why is it different for different squads?

0 posts Member
edited May 2016
This isn't a new issue but I had such a classic frustrating one just now.

It's the second node. I had Darth S as leader with Jedi counsellor, lumi, IG86 and IG88. First shot goes to their dooko. But my first hit is with Darth S. He gets dodged. I reset and try a different opponent. Dodged. Reset. So I use the area weapon. All dodge. I try the other 4 opponents, all dodged. So I reset and sub in Darth V for IG88.

Big surprise, my Darth S hits first time and easy win.

How is this skill? How can this games rng kernel be so rigged? Just replaying the same GW node over and over swapping toons or weapon hits is the only way to win GW.

There is no skill, it's just being patient enough to change the order of your toons or change participants or change what weapons are used. I am sure I could win every GW just by replaying every battle to find the best combo by taking notes or filming it. What kind of game wants us to do that? With all the money from the kids and saddos piling in, surely a proper rng or skill based combat system isn't that much to ask for?

So why is it rigged devs???,
Post edited by FashionFett on


  • Dwinkelm
    772 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    A lot of time the RNG prescribes a certain outcome to a certain "geographic location" in the team. For example, if I use assist with GS, and GS attacks and hits, and the assisting character gets dodged, no matter who I switch out in that specific spot when I retreat, they will miss.

    If you want to completely reset RNG, you need to perform a different action early on (use basic instead of special, attack a different enemy toon, etc).

    It's just the way the coding works... It's very far from perfect
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Sometimes switching out a character changes everything

    Its not rigged
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    What is Global War?
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