Can we be honest? Some heroes do not hit as often

A couple of weeks ago, in the midst of all the dodge leadership hype, I began keeping track of my heroes and their hits.

After a couple hundred battles, some statistics, that seem to be valid, show that different heroes appear to have different likelihoods of hitting or missing, regardless of opponent dodge rates.

Has anyone else noticed this? Recorded the results?

EA/developers, would you like to clarify if certain heroes have better chances to hit or miss?


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There is no hit roll...
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    It's a stat called potency
  • Options
    Don't know what stat controls it, but it's true. Boba Fett can't hit for crap, for instance.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There is no stat that controls it.

    You never miss.

    You either hit or get evaded.
  • Options
    Baldo wrote: »
    It's a stat called potency

    I think potency is the likelihood of a toon landing a negative status effect on an opponent, not landing the actual hit. I think all the op is talking about is actual hits
  • Faff2D2
    253 posts Member
    I concur that there is no such thing but would love to see an accuracy stat added simply to have a legit counter to dodge.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Baldo wrote: »
    It's a stat called potency

    I think potency is the likelihood of a toon landing a negative status effect on an opponent, not landing the actual hit. I think all the op is talking about is actual hits

    I always thought it was specials.
  • Options
    It always seems to be my Rey 3 hit special that misses
  • Diraan
    332 posts Member
    I have noticed that I regularly miss with Yodas unstoppable force. Could be confirmation bias, but I'll start to keep track
    4/25/2016 - The day General Grevious Shards were reasonably priced.
  • Robtorn
    80 posts Member
    Every battle is predetermined base on your attacks and what toons are in and where they stand.
  • Duckoo
    279 posts Member
    Rey definitely dies not connect as often
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    I have noticed Ahsoka missing materially more often than my other characters. Hard to differentiate it from random effects without hard data though. Can you post yours?
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    I have noticed Ahsoka missing materially more often than my other characters. Hard to differentiate it from random effects without hard data though. Can you post yours?
    I also notice Ahsoka missing a ridiculous amount in comparison to the rest of my squad. I'll keep track of it for a bit.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    The key is not the attacker but the target.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    The key is not the attacker but the target.

    Exactly, there is no accuracy stat for the attacker, but there is an evasion stat for the target
  • Jek_Face
    87 posts Member
    Yes. There is a hidden stat that increases Mace Windu miss chance to 100% when his random expose lands.
  • Starjumper
    993 posts Member
    I'd put money on kylos outrage missing more than it should - maybe confirmation bias but it sure feels that way
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    The key is not the attacker but the target.

    Exactly, there is no accuracy stat for the attacker, but there is an evasion stat for the target

    How are you so certain of that when none of the combat mechanics have been published?
  • Options
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    The key is not the attacker but the target.

    Exactly, there is no accuracy stat for the attacker, but there is an evasion stat for the target

    How are you so certain of that when none of the combat mechanics have been published?

    Based on the information and stats given to us, this is the case
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    What information and stats? The character stats? We already know they are only a small proportion of the overall damage calculation story. Chewie has one of the highest damage ratings in the game, but hits like a wet fish.

    The development team are notoriously closed-lipped about the battle mechanics. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to learn that there was a hidden accuracy rating.
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    I have noticed Lumi's force blast misses a lot more than her standard attack.

    And I mean the entire attack misses not just the special ability block which is based on her potency.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    The key is not the attacker but the target.

    Exactly, there is no accuracy stat for the attacker, but there is an evasion stat for the target

    How are you so certain of that when none of the combat mechanics have been published?

    Based on the information and stats given to us, this is the case

    OP clearly states that "regardless of opponent dodge rates"
    OP didnt provide the actual stats. Providing the stats is also pretty hard to do, you need to keep track of 5 toons hitting/missing 70 potential targets. thats 5x70=350 hit/mis options you need to keep track of separately. And you cant track evade lead enemies, or enemies with status buffs. That way you can compare percentage of hits landed on a specific toon.

    that said, my resistance pilot seems to miss more than my other toons. Obviously i dont have the stats to back that statement up, as you can see discribed above, that would take too much effort :p
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    I did not publish my stats, as I wanted to prevent bias. If I said "Ugnaut does not hit as often as others," I may just get a lot of agreement, but not data.

    So, I see a couple people that say they are willing to collect data; can we coordinate a bit? There are a few heroes mentioned here that seem to have concerns. Let's get a few people to put numbers together.
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