Finnally I decided to quit playing...

16 posts Member
After 3 months playing every single day this game I decided to stop playing it.
The main reason why I'm not playing this game anymore is because of the new update.
Before it I spent an hour everyday playing the game and it was fun and the most important thing, it was FAST TO PLAY. Now I needed to spent 4 minutes in each Arena Battle and before it wasn't more than 3 to finish it. I liked to play GW every day, and with the update I put AutoBattle in GW and wait until it finished.

I'm a F2P player and I have more than 15 7* characters, but with the new update and the guilds it takes to long for me to build the new Gear lvl. It takes long to get to 80 lvl as I was 77 and I don't have a 7* RG so it was very hard to stay in the TOP 10 in the Arena.

I'd like to hear your opinions on the new update and to know if I'm the only one who's not enjoying the game like before. I think EA wants us to be playing for the whole day but this game for me was just an entertaiment to play one hour per day.

Any opinions below.


  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
  • Arim74
    74 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    With the latest updates they just really fecked up the game!
  • Arijit
    510 posts Member
    Since you already said you are quitting does any opinion matter? Sad to see you leave. Will miss you.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Ye because going frm 3 minutes to 4 minutes in PVP is a difference of a whole 5 mins per day over 5 battles!
    I love goodbye posts but your arguements are invalid :P
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Options
    I understand how you feel, I feel very similar while doing GW. Recent increases in rewards have made it less of a chore, but essentially GW is a time consuming affair now.

    Guilds have made the game a lot more fun for me though, perhaps pursue that avenue?
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    Arijit wrote: »
    Since you already said you are quitting does any opinion matter? Sad to see you leave. Will miss you.

    will you really? i highly doubt it LUL
  • OwexBaill
    188 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Only thing that really bothers me is GW.
    For I am very ambitious, I can't just quit without trying, resulting in winnig almost every GW. But it is just taking up too much time, when I have to retreat dozens of time to win this game of trial and error.

    Edit: Instead of quitting I bought crystals to buy a furnance, because I'm a freaking !diot ;)
  • Options
    I'm with you. Also f2p with a total investement of $70. The overall experience is frustrating at times. TBH if I had not precrafted 4 items I would have already quit the game. I only can imagine how frustrating the game must be for a lot of folks out there. We just finished a tier 6 raid and the gear payoff was not what I had expected. It will take half a year to upgrade your arena team. And this is only the case if you are in a competitive guild. Currently the gw chore/ time problem is the least of all problems. Most likely they will fix the gw rather sooner than later. I'm lucky that I have a g9 arena team and 3-5 characters that I can still get there. Most of the player base is cut off from any further progress for month to come. It's really sad and certainly not good for the game. They messed up badly with the gear issue. Another big problem is the whole nerfing thing. I'm one nerf away from quitting. Now that we have nearly reached lvl 80 every toon is credit and time wise a huge investment. This problem has now been raised by several players. If I look at my bench I see a couple of maxed toons who are basically useless. The RP nerf did hit me hard considering how much gear it took to bring him to g8 alone. Then you look at Rey and see that she just did get a moderate nerf on her damage output. At least an explanation why things like this happen would be nice.
  • Options
    I'm a big fan of the update. Very much diversity in the arena squads now (with the exception that you really need either ST Han, RG or Sun Fac to survive, but I've seen a few teams without them too). I agree it takes more time to play everything everyday. My stance is, why not just not play everything everyday? Why quit just because you feel like you have to play more? Just play the same amount and stop doing the parts you don't like. It's not like the challenges give THAT much benefit anyway...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Free to play means NO MONEY spent.

    The OP is not F2P with 15x 7* characters.

    70$ investment is not F2P.

    Quitting the game has no negative or lasting impact.

    You can just unquit tomorrow.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    One do you have 15 toons at 7* while f2p? I been playing for a little more than 3 months myself and have half of that.
  • Options
    70$ is a moderate amount of money. It doesn't give you a huge edge over f2p. You get my point Mr Analytical.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    eshby_wan wrote: »
    70$ is a moderate amount of money. It doesn't give you a huge edge over f2p. You get my point Mr Analytical.

    It looks to me like 70$ gives you double than what a f2p has after 3 months. I don't know what huge means to you.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    eshby_wan wrote: »
    70$ is a moderate amount of money. It doesn't give you a huge edge over f2p. You get my point Mr Analytical.

    Please do not insult me, I didnt insult you.

    Your F2P claim was false.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Against TOS
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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