New Player Catching Up (Or Not)

1262 posts Member
I started playing the game around 6 weeks ago and am creeping up on level 60. I've made many mistakes during this time, spreading myself too thin, upgrading too many characters while I experimented with different teams.

Gearing up seems like the biggest stumbling block. Even buying energy refreshes up to the 400 crystal limit, the awful drop rate on the 20 item upgrades for purple gear are taking forever. Sometimes a 100 energy refresh gets me just 2 or 3 drops.

I've now realised that there are 11 or 12 gear levels. I've also noted that the level cap increases by 10 every 2 months, I expect level 90 will happen pretty soon.

I guess I'm working out that catching up to the top players is going to be impossible, the carrot is moving faster than I can keep up with. Even spending serious money, you can't generate enough energy to upgrade your gear fast enough due to the restrictive 400/800 crystal prices after a few refreshes.

Is this the sad reality, or am I just being too negative? Any tips for a disillusioned new player? How are new players supposed to catch up? Or, is this game just for people who played from day one?


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    ... Just play every day or be a whale....
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    Welcome to the game and forum!

    And be strong, you will truly need the gamer's Force to keep up.
    If you keep spending the way you do you will eventually catch up, especially when we start reaching level 80 and HOPEFULLY devs keep it at 80 for a while...
    As long as your enjoyment of the game outweights the guilt feeling of spending that amount of real resources on it I guess it will be worth it and you will enjoy playing...
    But yeah we've all been through the frustrations you are expressing here concerning the grinding for purple gears.
    Also yeah, you can bet the carrot keeps moving for us to spend chasing.
    One thing to keep in mind though, this game has the potential to be developing for a few years, from devs point of view it wouldn't make sense to let players achieve top gears too fast and just have them sitting with full rosters of 7 stars maxed gears.
    They know they have to pace progress, that's also why the refresh cost go up so fast and are limited otherwise the biggets whales and or krakens would just run away with it creating an insurmountable gap between them and the rest of players.
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    Man the harsh reality of this game I guess?
    I know what you mean. Convinced a couple of friends to play this game after I got hooked on but they're dropping out now.

    All citing the same problems you did. Partly cause they're not whales and don't buy those US$12 booster packs.

    I remember when I started you actually have a legit chance of getting a 3-4* Hero from Bronzium. Now it's all 1k gold haha
  • Akiguchi
    41 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Why do you have to catch the players that have played longer than you? There is a reason why separate server shards are created: that you can equally compete for the first place and be the best at your leaderboard. Only in guilds you will see the disparity between players, but you could join a guild that is within your level. I've started the game pretty much same time as you and absolutely have not felt that I'm weaker than others, quite the other way around. It is a matter of perception after all.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Akiguchi wrote: »
    Why do you have to catch the players that have played longer than you? There is a reason why separate server shards are created: that you can equally compete for the first place and be the best at your leaderboard. Only in guilds you will see the disparity between players, but you could join a guild that is within your level. I've started the game pretty much same time as you and absolutely have not felt that I'm weaker than others, quite the other way around. It is a matter of perception after all.

    this is true. you only compete with players who started around the same time.
    hitting lvl caps is a great way to catch up with the best teams on your server. there are multiple threads about this. I personally would have liked hitting the lvl 60/70 cap before it was increased to 80. compared to other lvl 74 players my roster is pretty bad.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    I would recommend searching the forums looking for a good arena team you like that also does well in GW. And then focus all gear, money and time into those five characters until you have them maxed, or at least as maxed as your patience can stand not working on other toons.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    i feel like i am reading my own post from two months back.

    not sure if i am a good barometer or not but I'll share anyway.

    i started playing in early February... i didn't start reading the forums until a couple weeks after that and by then I had spread all my resources too thinly across every single character I had.

    I only just today got my fourth character up to 7 stars. But I have several others 5 and 6 star toons and have made decent strides in stockpiling credits for the eventual upgrades. I never focused that much on Arena as I did getting through Galactic War. I am finally at a point where I can clear GW everyday and as such am able to accrue gold/credits for the GW shop.

    i have never been higher than 60-ish in Arena.

    i did take the time to max out luminara and GS; have otherwise not really chased the meta - it's been more about leveling up my favorite toons and just having fun.

    if you're having difficulty getting through GW, i highly recommend Barriss Offee and when necessary, the Retreat button and suicide squads.

    fwiw, i have three squads now - Jedi, Droid and Rebels - plus a [currently] weak Empire team that i throw out there for suicide squad for GW.

    I'm not totally F2P as i have spent nominal amounts of $ on Crystals and the Droid bundle back when it was available. i have also rolled dice on a few Chromium packs (350 Crystal ones) but that's a gamble.
    I've pulled Ahsoka Tano and a couple other decent toons from Bronzium.

    the concensus here on the forums is spend your Crystals on energy refresh... and farm the toons you like most.

    i say just have fun, you'll be fine soon enough so don't worry about catching up, soon/now.
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    They get a kiddy pool...
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    Yea this game is hard for new players now. You have a lot of farming ahead of you. At least 2 years worth
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    I started playing the game around 6 weeks ago and am creeping up on level 60. I've made many mistakes during this time, spreading myself too thin, upgrading too many characters while I experimented with different teams.

    Gearing up seems like the biggest stumbling block. Even buying energy refreshes up to the 400 crystal limit, the awful drop rate on the 20 item upgrades for purple gear are taking forever. Sometimes a 100 energy refresh gets me just 2 or 3 drops.

    I've now realised that there are 11 or 12 gear levels. I've also noted that the level cap increases by 10 every 2 months, I expect level 90 will happen pretty soon.

    I guess I'm working out that catching up to the top players is going to be impossible, the carrot is moving faster than I can keep up with. Even spending serious money, you can't generate enough energy to upgrade your gear fast enough due to the restrictive 400/800 crystal prices after a few refreshes.

    Is this the sad reality, or am I just being too negative? Any tips for a disillusioned new player? How are new players supposed to catch up? Or, is this game just for people who played from day one?

    This is just playing the game, don't feel bad. Most of us made mistakes along the way building our teams and it's part of the learning process. This game has a lot of grinding so there will be moments when credits and crystals run short, especially when playing free. Don't be discouraged, only buy crystals if you choose to spend and keep on grinding!!! Good Luck!!!
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    I made the same mistake inititially... thought it was great to have as many chars as i could.. then you get higher lvl and look back on all those credits "wasted"... but i just changed way i played and spent rewards and now i have a great A team and a pretty decent B team.. lvl 76 and average around 60 or so in arena daily

    Am i the best not by a long shot but have a decent enough squad to hold my own and enjoy the game. Advice i would give is just concentrate on your A team.. trust me you will have excess rewards for other chars... credits is the problem lol
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I now understand that there are different leaderboards based on the date you started playing, and I've understood the mistake I made.

    I first downloaded the game in January and wasn't so impressed at first, so uninstalled. I gave it another try in March and realised that I liked it, so carried on playing from then.

    That's 2 months of gains other players on my leaderboard made while I did nothing.

    It's a real shame they don't explain this to you when you download the game. I will forever be behind those who carried on playing during that time.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    IMO you are spending too much on refreshes.
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    I now understand that there are different leaderboards based on the date you started playing, and I've understood the mistake I made.

    I first downloaded the game in January and wasn't so impressed at first, so uninstalled. I gave it another try in March and realised that I liked it, so carried on playing from then.

    That's 2 months of gains other players on my leaderboard made while I did nothing.

    It's a real shame they don't explain this to you when you download the game. I will forever be behind those who carried on playing during that time.

    True but you kinda play for yourself. You can find a guild with those in a simular situation. Only in arena you can't be that competitive at this time. But that will change. Any decent 7* team can beat a whales 7* team atm.
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