Help with team build

8 posts Member
edited May 2016
I could use some help with building my team.
From below list, I am in process of getting the stars and gear for my current main team
I like the toughness of Chewbacca and is currently farming shards in the Cantina.
But after reading other sources makes me wonder if he really is worth the time, or if I should be farming for another one?

Max. level is 63.
Main team:
Name		Level	Star	Gear	skil level
Sidious		59	7	7	3 to 4
Phasma		59	4	5	2 to 5
Doku		59	4	6	5
Chewbacca	56	5	7	3 to 4		
Luminara	53	4	6	3 to 5

Backup team/characters
Barris		52	4	6	2 to 5		
Luke		52	4	4	1
Talia		51	4	5	1 to 3
JC		50	4	6	3 to 4 
Opress		50	4	4	1 to 3
Boba fett	50	4	4	1 to 4

Following characters has been unlocked and awaits further improvements/decision:


  • mrfujin
    8 posts Member
    Any input?
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    I'm on a day 1 hard release server, and I never see Chewie inside the top 100. I also suggest farming RG and Rey at all costs. Poe is another good tank. While he doesn't have tons of health, he does expose a few per taunt. Plus he is pretty fast. RG auto taunts and has like 50% or better chance to stun with his regular attack. If I remember correctly, expose, stun, offense up, advantage, and offense down don't REALLY make that much of a difference. At higher levels, it does. Its significant. But yeah, Chewie isn't one you will see sooner than later. For that matter, Barris has as much health, hits as hard, and heals through Sids heal block.

    Of the toons you listed:

    Sid- is used in higher levels, but isn't really an end game toon. While he is one of your hardest hitters right now, he won't be before long. At higher levels he is pretty much used for his speed and heal block.

    Phasma- absolutely is worth keeping up on. She makes a great leader, also she can call advantage for the entire lineup, she has health for days, and can inflict speed down

    Dooku is a beast as a leader. His evasion is tough to beat. This is what makes him valuable later on. He doesn't hit hard. He is more of a pest.

    Chewie don't waste time, credits, or mats. He will soon be regulated to your B then C team, then he will only be used in the tank challenge.

    Lumi is still viable. She used to have the best heal in the game, not so anymore since it can be removed. She has a good leader ability. It gives health and evasion, but non Jedi only gets 1/2. She is still seen on almost every squad above 50.

    Barris is not viable in the arena, but is a rockstar in GW and the Yoda event. She has health for days and now that Lumis heal can be removed, Barris now has the best heal since it heals through heal blocks.

    Luke isn't seen much inside the top 100 (remember I'm on a mature server.) He has an excellent critical hit, but isn't much outside of that.

    Talia is worth leveling up simply for the lack of dark side healers. She isn't seen much inside the top 100 in the arena. Look for her to return if they rework the night sisters. I suspect they will, as I used to see lots of NS teams, but not since the update prior to the guild additions.

    JC is also a rockstar in GW. He is rarely seen in the top 300 of the arena. He isn't arena worthy, however as I said GW is just as important, and he is a rockstar there. Plus he is easy to star up if you decide to go after Yoda.

    Opress is extremely viable. If he attacks someone in red 99999 damage. Not to mention at higher levels he has health for days as well as he gets defense and offense up every time he is touched.

    Boba has tons of health. Now while I don't see him inside the top 100, I expect as I inch closer to lvl80, I'll start seeing him. When you mix his maxed leader ability with advantage from Phasma and/or offense up, he has one of if not the best critical hits on the game.

    5s, he needs to be the next person you max with Cantina credits. Once you get him to level 76 and you turn him into Omega 5s, he is one of if not the most difficult toon to take out. Multiple times I've had my entire lineup fully healed, with the Lumi multi round heal. Each time I have left with ONE toon remaining. Omega 5s is a BEAST. I stopped farming my Daka once I got slapped around by Omega 5s.

    Daka is great. She is extremely useful in every part of the game. Arena, GW, Challenges, everywhere. She has health for days, heals, as well as stuns with her basic. She is very fast also. She also can bring back a dead toon with like 5% health, as well as randomly bring back a dead toon at like 30% health. She is great. Doesn't hit too hard, but those stuns make her worth it.

    Vader isn't seen much at all. Although I believe thats just because people don't use 4*,5* or 6* toons on my server. I can't really advise one wat or the other. I have him at 5* but he is still in the 20s as far as level.

    Leia unless you are pay to play (p2p) don't worry with her for now. She is only available in chromium packs and unless you plan to spend thousands (literally) you won't be able to star her up. Starred and leveled up she is on of the best toons in the game.

    QGJ is a beast in the arena and GW. His leader ability of +speed for Jedi is amazing if you are running Jedi. Otherwise, he will just speed up himself. His #3 move can dispel positive status effects and if he removes a status effect, he gives offense up to the entire squad. Meaning how everyone had Lumi, when she calls her heal, he can do his #3 attack and remove the heal from who he attacks and gives offense up to the entire squad. Huge at higher levels.

    IG100 is who I am currently faming on Cantina as well as hard nodes. He grants himself speed up and offense up. Lists of health and is considered anti Jedi.

    Well that turned out to be more than I thought I was gonna write but... I just wanted to help.
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    mrfujin wrote: »
    Any input?

    Hahah you wrote that as I was writing my novel. Lol
  • mrfujin
    8 posts Member
    Hahah you wrote that as I was writing my novel. Lol

    But a good one. :)

    So reducing you novel to my priority list, it should be something like this:
    Dark Side		
    Name		Effective at high level	Leader skill
    Doku		Yes			Evasion
    Phasma		Yes - Advantages	Ally assists
    Opress		Yes	
    Daka		Yes	
    Talia		Yes - Dark side	
    Royal Guard	Yes - Auto taunt	
    Boba fett	Potential		Critical damage
    Light side		
    Name		Effective at high level	Leader skill
    Fives		Yes
    QGJ		Yes			Jedi speed
    Barris		Yes - GW	
    Luminara	Potential		Health & Evasion
    JC		Yes - GW	
    Poe		Yes - Tank & Health	
    Rey		Yes	
  • mrfujin
    8 posts Member
    One addition to the above.

    In cantina should I go for Kyloe Ren or JC shards?
  • MrWag
    38 posts Member
    mrfujin wrote: »
    One addition to the above.

    In cantina should I go for Kyloe Ren or JC shards?

    I'd go for Geonosian Soldier
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    mrfujin wrote: »
    One addition to the above.

    In cantina should I go for Kyloe Ren or JC shards?

    Yeah what the above said. GS is a very powerful little bug. Add advantage from Phasma, and you could add Poggle who gives him even more offense. I like all the assist guys GS, QGJ, 5s, Biggs, and Tuskan Raider.
  • mrfujin
    8 posts Member
    Looks great.

    Question is now whether the below setup has enough power, without any healer:
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    QGJ also removes taunts with his ability, which is huge.
  • mrfujin
    8 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Just an update. Adding QGJ and Fives has really improved my team regarding GW. That said, more stars, gear and skill level in general is helping to.

    It just takes so much times getting shards for QGJ and GS. ;)
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