Guild leaders

Can the next update allow more than 1 leader for a guild? Would help to have a co leader. Run one with a friend and we both want to manage everything


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    Imo, they would have to split cost but I like the idea
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    The only thin I know of that an officer can't do that a leader CA is change name or update message
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    I'm in a Guild with about 15 other people and there's only 3 of us actually playing, which makes any progress almost impossible. Does anyone have a decent Guild I might be able to jump in?
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    Yes, join Bluesquad. Officer can't promote and denote other officers
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    Zarak628 wrote: »
    Yes, join Bluesquad. Officer can't promote and denote other officers

    didn't think about that part.
  • Janoo
    3 posts Member
    Is it possible to give leadership to another player!? (step down) If a leader leaves the guild will the second player to have joined then become the leader!? Asking for my cat.
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    Starlord wrote: »
    I'm in a Guild with about 15 other people and there's only 3 of us actually playing, which makes any progress almost impossible. Does anyone have a decent Guild I might be able to jump in?

    @Starlord yes. We have 48/50 members we have been crushing t6's in two days, gonna try our first T7 tonight!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Starlord wrote: »
    I'm in a Guild with about 15 other people and there's only 3 of us actually playing, which makes any progress almost impossible. Does anyone have a decent Guild I might be able to jump in?

    Deathwatch Omega pm me your ally code.
    Mixed level guild.
  • Zarak628
    160 posts Member
    Let Qui gons bee qui gons. A bunch from Bluesquad moved to this guild. Blue is doing tier 4 and we are tier5 and may do 6 soon
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    Zarak628 wrote: »
    Let Qui gons bee qui gons.

  • Zarak628
    160 posts Member
    It's a good name and an even better guild. Join us for T6 raids
  • NickquickSilver
    58 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    @Zarak628 Hey buddy, no need for 2 leaders, just promote you guildies to an officer. They can promote, demote, start raids, and kick players. That's everything a leader can do! They just can't demote or kick the current leader.
  • Pjay
    283 posts Member
    Lesderboard in guild lobby should be usable as a guild notice board. Still cycle through current info but be able to sccess for guild leaderboard, leaders message, guild guidelines, raid schedule, promotions, new members, booted members, etc, etc, etc.
    Would include a notice of unread information.
    This would aid in guild communication, especially with under 18s who i am told caannot acces chat and also members not interested in chat. Need to make sure everyone knows what the guild is trying to achieve.
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