How Do You Lend Other Players Specific Toons?

In my guild chat I overheard someone asking if anyone had a 7* Qui Gon Jin they could borrow. How exactly do you go about lending a specific character to another player?


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    make them a leader in challenge / battle. your lendable character is the most reason leader you used (idk if arena counts)
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    make them a leader in challenge / battle. your lendable character is the most reason leader you used (idk if arena counts)

  • Faff2D2
    253 posts Member
    It goes for the specific game modes. The last leader you used in a dark side mission will be the one you loan for dark side. Same concept for light and cantina. Ditto for the 3 daily challenges in which you can borrow allies. You could potentially have 6 borrow-able characters set. I try to switch it up from time to time to be a good ally.
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    Thanks. Will do.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Daka seems to be good for DS missions, Barriss for LS missions.
    Dooku and Old Ben work well for cantina and challenges.
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    Thanks. Don't have Ben yet, but use either Dooku or Phasma for most of the neutral challenges. Still have yet to collect Daka, but I'm salivating to have a good group healer like her on DS that doesn't sacrifice her own health like Talia does. I do wish they'd modify Talia so when she group heals she also self heals. Seems like LS has the lion's share of good group healers like this. Wish Dark Side did as well. Maybe if they introduce Darth Plagus he could be a good group healer, since he's the one that could supposedly bring people back to life. The Devs could program a handicap that only allows him to resurrect if he's in the leader position so a team that has both him and Daka on it wouldn't have such an overwhelming advantage.
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