Cantina credit rewards - it all adds up

274 posts Member
edited May 2016
So we all feel the pain of the credit crunch. Availability of credits informs pretty much every decision we have to make as a player. So when the usual increase in rewards as the difficulty gets tougher is reduced, we feel the pain even more.

Let's look at cantina credit rewards, for an example. For doing a level 1 cantina node, you are rewarded with 1,000 credits, So, per 120 energy spent, you'd earn 15,000 credits. The rewards cuve looks like this:
1. 15,000 per 120 energy (8 energy per node)
2. 22,500
3. 30,000 (10 per node)
4. 36,000
5. 45,000 (12 per node)
6. 50,000
7. 52,500 (16 per node)

Up until the release of the level 7 nodes, every time there was an increase in the energy required per node, the reward per 120 cantina energy spent jumped by 15,000 (1 ->3, 3 ->5). This time, that rate has been halved. If it had followed on the same trend, the reward would be 8,000 credits per node at level 7, netting 60,000 credits per 120 energy spent, instead of the 52,500 it provides now.

That 7,500 credits may not seem like a huge difference - but think about it. If you're doing a 100 and 200 crystal refresh per day, now the difference is 22,500 credits per day. 157,500 per week. About 675,000 credits per 30 days. This is credit death by a thousand cuts.

You could argue that the release of raids opens another revenue stream for players in credit raid rewards - but the amount of spending players have to do to get their squads raid-ready outpaces these rewards by a large margin.

TL-DR version: Up the level 7 cantina credit rewards to 8,000 per node. Stay consistent with the pattern you'd already established. Stop making it even tougher proportionally to earn credits.


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I support this proposal. Make it so.
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    I agree!
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    Agreed, thanks for the insight.
  • Dino
    23 posts Member
    Looked at it slightly wrong but the idea and issue stats. Hard and mats acquisition slowed down there, too like a ninja.
    Should've been 14 energy with current credit amount and it would equal 60k -> 15k increase. They just upped the energy for 2 more. Just to slow us further down as if it was needed.
  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    The change in energy spent per node is only an issue if the drop rates aren't also upped to compensate. Whilst anecdotally I doubt this happened, I don't have any hard stats to back it up. The credits issue per 120 energy though - that's crystal clear.
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    I noticed it too, but glad that you actually made a thread about it. It seems they are making credits even worse than b4 and im 1 of those who have not whined about it since ive felt doing 2 cantina refresh per day gave me just that extra i needed.
    Now that theyve lowered the linear rise by 50% there and gw and challenge are the same it is slowly getting to my credit bank as i just cant get more anywhere( even the raise in credit pack wasnt even close enough, would need 1,2 mil the least with that cost)
    I propose that they will raise it to same progressive rate as leveling costs or bring down crystal per credit ratio a big time.
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    Well spotted. Totally agree this needs to be changed.
    Sith Yoda:
  • Noodle
    32 posts Member
    Drop rates feel higher for sure on higher stages. Don't have evidence though.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Nice topic! I totally agree :)
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    +1 if anything the credits should marginally increase as the stages get harder because at that point most people need more credits for their increasing toon line up
  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    I tend to agree, but I'll settle for us not going backwards in net terms.
  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    edited May 2016
  • Altoon33
    565 posts Member
    Manicmouse wrote: »
    I agree!

  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member

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    Math is here to save the day!
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    So running level 6 is better energy vs credit rewards than 7?
    "When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    JinSaotome wrote: »
    So running level 6 is better energy vs credit rewards than 7?

    No I think 7 is still better, it's just not as much better as 6 than 6 was to 5
  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    7 is only marginally better than 6. It should be much better.
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    +1, and bring the omega event back. You give us more content that we sorely need and then take it away, I dont understand your logic.
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