Yoda changed in 1 day....gear problem still at large

20 posts Member
U see about 20% of threads are about pre crafting and the problem it caused and how the current reward system is only making it worse. I would love to see some kind of adjustment made to the way we can obtain some of this gear so we can all progress more evenly not just those who dump thousands of dollars into the game


  • Options
    Mk5 caller in shipments plz... precrafting advantage for a month now
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Wait you're telling me the raid reward system and guild store wasn't a fix for the precrafted gear fiasco? But according to the almighty devs raids were supposed to fix everything!
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Whis
    20 posts Member
    I just don't like how some gear is now so difficult to obtain or near immpoissble for some....having to farm 50 pieces of something to craft is bad enough but now u can even farm it....it's just a broken system at this point. I totally get that it's a business and they need to eat like the rest of us but this is a bit excessive in my opinion.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Time to pony up, fellas...
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    They're being extremely stubborn about this issue and won't even address it. Those who didn't precraft are pretty much stagnant in the arena. At least in mine since most in the top 20 are all gear 9 and 10.

    I guess they want us to wait months to get enough droid callers/scanners/furnaces to still be behind them. Mind boggling.
  • LlwllynZ
    97 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Tank challenge now gives you mk IX instead of that uselsss mk VIII and problem solved. You get the materials for the callers, toons can advance to gear 9 to withstand raids better, you still need to do raids for the sake of progressing further to gear X, XI, problem solved.

    Well, if they had a spine. But ofc, making a challenge that gives you useless stuff makes much more sense. I can almost picture the scene as they holding their meeting in their hq, talking about the new tank challenge rewards, " what shall we give them, alright give them something absolutley useless" others clapping their hands and approving.

  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    LlwllynZ wrote: »
    Tank challenge now gives you mk IX instead of that uselsss mk VIII and problem solved. You get the materials for the callers, toons can advance to gear 9 to withstand raids better, you still need to do raids for the sake of progressing further to gear X, XI, problem solved.

    Yeah no way are they giving us droid caller salvage in a daily challenge. They want us doing countless raids for weeks before we get a single droid caller made when we need several, and precrafters already have several.

    It's the most frustrating thing about the game for a lot of people right now and they won't even address it.
  • LlwllynZ
    97 posts Member
    Its not that they not even adressing it. They are just ignoring everything about the case.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Get in a heroic raiding guild. You average a piece and a half a week from raids and a piece a month from tokens.

    Only takes 10 7 stars each to beat heroic
  • LlwllynZ
    97 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I amin a heroic raiding guild and normally top 3 dps, i never recieved a full piece, nor mats to caller, only to furnance..

    Its not about the time it takes to grind them out, i just dont get it how can everyone overlook on their silly decision on something like some ppl started the new lvl gap with 15 precrafted callers, and other dont have a single one to date..
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    LlwllynZ wrote: »
    I amin a heroic raiding guild and normally top 3 dps, i never recieved a full piece, nor mats to caller, only to furnance..

    Even if i got 15 caller so far, this precraft thing is still not justified..

    You have 15 full droid callers?
  • LlwllynZ
    97 posts Member
    There is an IF, as for a scenario that only exist in fantasyland. That could have been misleading ye.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    LlwllynZ wrote: »
    There is an IF, as for a scenario that only exist in fantasyland. That could have been misleading ye.

    Yes sorry! :blush:
  • LlwllynZ
    97 posts Member

    This is the junk ive gotten for the last heroic raid 1st place >.> Hurray i can almost craft a furnance...
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Those are some real rewards right there.
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