Level 80 Ability Mats are available after Daily Activity completion.

12 posts Member
edited May 2016
Ok, I gotcha. In my frantic, excited state over reaching level 80. I may have, and this is still up for debate in my humble opinion, slightly and I mean just barely with the very tip of my unusually large and awkwardly heavy big toe. Looked without leaping or leaped after I looked or vice versa and so on and so on, etc, etc.... So please excuse my incautious releckness and the velocity in which the conclusion that was concluded was then uttered on this here forum. My deepest apologies to any who had to withstand and traverse the incomprehensible and utterly unbalanced, biased, unbiased, ramblings of this unorganized, disorganized, slapdash, willy-nilly, person who is and is definitely not a backwards opining poster
Post edited by Jaycd1 on


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    I don't get it, what's the problem here again?
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    You get 1 when u reach 80 and 1 everyday you finish your daily activities.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Beats me
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    Don't eat lead paint chips.
  • Dark_Jedi
    169 posts Member
    You get 1 when u reach 80 and 1 everyday you finish your dailys.


    1 what? the Omega Ability Mats? if so this is cool, I did not know this lol.

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    Yep omega. 1 a day.
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    Have you completed your dailies before reaching level 80?
  • quigonkenny
    240 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Knowing how the game works on similar things, you probably don't get an Omega until the first Daily Activities reward *after* you get lvl 80. OP is probably just impatient.

    Reach lvl 80 > finish dailies for that day > finish dailies for next day and get 1 Omega.

    IIRC the originally inaccessible daily activities (ie: Arena, GW, etc.) worked the same way upon reaching the level that unlocked them (ie: you could do them as soon as they were unlocked, but you couldn't get the daily reward for doing them until the next day).
    Have you completed your dailies before reaching level 80?
    And obviously if you've already collected your daily completion rewards for that day, you're not going to get any more than the reward for the level you were at when you did it.
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    Hahahahahah! That whole salty post. Dude, just complete your dailies. You don't even need to gear or train a character anymore. You'll get an omega each day. Now delete your post, take your clothes off, and hide in the closet in shame.
    "When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
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    You need a snickers bar.
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    Nice going OP. Better apologise when you realise your mistake
  • C3POwn
    507 posts Member
    I do not want what the OP is smoking
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    I was imagining boogie2988 when I read that.
  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    Nice essay, bro.
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    Don't eat lead paint chips.

    But lead paint chips made his post funny...
  • Dark_Jedi
    169 posts Member
    Yep omega. 1 a day.


    Thanks again, I did not know this, I was wondering how we will get more lol, and 1 a Day after reaching level 80 is fine by me, at least we can get them.
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    Wow, I can't even understand this rambling. What exactly are you upset about? Like, in 1 sentence?

    Are you talking about the fact that if you finish your dailys before you hit 80, you don't get one?
    People have posted about it before, your fault for not being aware. Chill out. You'll get one tomorrow.

    Are you upset because you don't just get one for nothIng? If so, grow up. Do your dailys, take a breath, stop crying.
  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Rage on, bro
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    For all those like me who have yet to hit 80...
    On the day you will hit it, wait to complete your dailies...then once you hit 80...hard close your app and restart it....THEN complete your dailies and enjoy.
  • Jaycd1
    12 posts Member
    Thanks everyone, I figured it out half way through my post but I was having too good of a time writing it. my apologies if I messed anyone up. I'll take it down in a few
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    I keep giving EA money, but can't figure out why they keep this carrot right out of reach. Oh well, I'll just give them more money. And then complain when they take my money, but make it so I have to give them more. Maybe if I give them more money, this issue will resolve itself. That's what I'll do. I'll pay more to get more, but then when I don't, I'll keep paying more to get more. /logic

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