GoH more and more unplayable for F2P ?!

219 posts Member
I just wanted to ask some guys here what you think. I have spent no money on the game so far and it gets harder by the time I reach level 80 (I am 74 now). Galactic War gets unbeatable, the droprates are just pure garbage (I invested 200 Cantina Energy to farm for GS imagine how many shards I got? YES 1 SHARD), drop rates for gear are also just horrible...In conclussion for me, this takes a lot of fun from the game. I also cant keep up with arena because its all to expensive in terms of Credits and training droids and when I see the teams with 7* Rey, Leia, RG and Fisto in 500+ it makes me so mad...Maybe some of you think the same way as I do.


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    Level 73 here.

    I'm not completely sure but galactic war difficulty seems to depend on the rank u are in the arena(I've heard this a few times) so that should help alittle.

    I always purposely stay within a certain ranking in the arena because it helps me win a certain amount of galactic battles and also allows me to receive a certain amount of redeemable tokens. If you aren't a certain level I suggest spending the crystals to restart yourself until u win enough battle to be in a decent ranking.

    You have to keep a balance between all areas when you are f2p. I don't spend money either and I only have one maxed out team. But I'm about to max out a couple more players using this method.

    Just some tips to help
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    Luther0333 wrote: »
    Level 73 here.

    I'm not completely sure but galactic war difficulty seems to depend on the rank u are in the arena(I've heard this a few times) so that should help alittle.

    I always purposely stay within a certain ranking in the arena because it helps me win a certain amount of galactic battles and also allows me to receive a certain amount of redeemable tokens. If you aren't a certain level I suggest spending the crystals to restart yourself until u win enough battle to be in a decent ranking.

    You have to keep a balance between all areas when you are f2p. I don't spend money either and I only have one maxed out team. But I'm about to max out a couple more players using this method.

    Just some tips to help

    I think it's your Arena POWER not ranking.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Luther0333 wrote: »
    Level 73 here.

    I'm not completely sure but galactic war difficulty seems to depend on the rank u are in the arena(I've heard this a few times) so that should help alittle.

    I always purposely stay within a certain ranking in the arena because it helps me win a certain amount of galactic battles and also allows me to receive a certain amount of redeemable tokens. If you aren't a certain level I suggest spending the crystals to restart yourself until u win enough battle to be in a decent ranking.

    You have to keep a balance between all areas when you are f2p. I don't spend money either and I only have one maxed out team. But I'm about to max out a couple more players using this method.

    Just some tips to help

    I think it's your Arena POWER not ranking.

    Correct. It's your highest arena power used. It cannot be sandbagged back down.
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    this game is very heavily RNG based, even b4 u actually start playing. In some server, there are a lot of p2w players while in other servers there are less whales. and if you're f2p than u have very limited choice as to what you should farm and who you should prioritize your resources on, for me it was GS and RG when i started a few months ago. that said, with the correct line up and if you plan carefully from the start, f2p players are more than capable to get into top 50 or even higher. I personally stay within top 5 in my arena as i planned and did some research on what my arena squad is gonna be even b4 i started.

    If your goal is to achieve higher rank in arena, then i suggest u start over with a new account. it might be too late at this point. but if you have too much to lose to redo everything, then i cant help
  • Twyst3d
    58 posts Member
    I never spent much but I'll tell ya what. Until they use the money people have invested to hire better more experienced devs they won t get another **** dime.
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    Twyst3d wrote: »
    I never spent much but I'll tell ya what. Until they use the money people have invested to hire better more experienced devs they won t get another **** dime.

    LMAO shots = fired

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    Im F2P and dont have a problem with GW at all
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    The GW thing is nothing to do with f2p etc, I couldn't complete it after protection was introduced, in fact I could only get to node 7-8. Post your squad up and people will help you complete it. In my case I just needed Barriss, last couple days I've completed it with no toons dying at all and no retreats, feels nice to hit auto halfway through the last battle
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    F2P actually have it pretty good here...
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    Telaan wrote: »

    Correct. It's your highest arena power used. It cannot be sandbagged back down.

    Is it the highest arena power ever used or highest arena power used before GW.
    Like if I play arena with a team at 30k power yesterday, then GW uses that number to match up teams?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »

    Correct. It's your highest arena power used. It cannot be sandbagged back down.

    Is it the highest arena power ever used or highest arena power used before GW.
    Like if I play arena with a team at 30k power yesterday, then GW uses that number to match up teams?

    Ever used
  • Options
    I'm strictly F2P and I'm not having issues with GW. My areana power is 28,252 at the moment and I think about as high as 29K. I was Rank #69 in Arena yesterday and have been playing since December.

    I don't know if drop rates are low but sometimes I have gud and bad days. I feel your credit pains but even then I wouldn't be in such a bind if I didn't get screwed over about 10 million when they did that horrible update where I had to upgrade all my tanks to beat a challenge.

    I wish guild member could play your GW for you and you get like half the drops (excluding shards). I'll be interested if it really is that difficult or if people aren't taking the time to back out and try again.

    Anyway, hope it gets better for you.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »

    Correct. It's your highest arena power used. It cannot be sandbagged back down.

    Is it the highest arena power ever used or highest arena power used before GW.
    Like if I play arena with a team at 30k power yesterday, then GW uses that number to match up teams?

    It's the highest ever used that you won with. If you lose it doesn't count.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    I am p2p, and I ask the same question. The game is getting much more expensive once gear X levels are reached. Multiple hard to obtain, or obtainable only via gear drops in guild raids or guild shipments, gear pieces. The power level of GW teams is skyrocketing. I don't see how the current game economy can be sustained, eventually they have to reach a limit of heavy investor players. What then, drop prices?

    I currently see people who have spent many 10's of times as much as I have, I can't believe they are going to jump at the chance to spend 10's of times again, or even 100's more of what they all ready have.
  • Olfbald
    106 posts Member
    Let me tell you about the GW on my alt account!
    I created an alt account to play the Nightsisters, because I like them.
    I have all 5 of them but don't always use Acolyte because she isn't very good.
    Acctually, the only really good Nightsister in this game is Daka. The others are very situational.
    As I hit lvl ~75 and managed to get Daka and Initiate to gear 9, my arena power went to almost 34 000.
    Guess what happened in my GW. I meet all these meta teams that I have no chance to beat. I mean I play the fricking Nightsisters. GW is getting really troublesome even at node 4. I have finished GW maybe 5 times the last month.

    Finally could't take it anymore. I quit playing the Nightsisters and now use what everone else use (in arena). The Nightsisters are still my strongest team though, in squad power. Although they suck.
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    You realize that this is a business? If there was no advantage to the players that are willing to pay to advance, then EA wouldn't be making money. If EA couldn't make any money from a game, they aren't going to create as well as continue to develop the game and we wouldn't have it to play.

    It's like that in EVERY game that is f2p with a pay option. If it bothers you that much, you probably shouldn't be playing these type of games. But, personally, I think you should just enjoy how much you can get out of this game just doing it f2p.
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    A GW Team you will always Win!

    Chewie 6* Lead
    Lumi 7*
    JC 6*
    Rey 6*
    Daka 6*

    JC change for Barris and everything will be fine.

    Sometimes the droprate is down and sometimes I get 8/10 shards.

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