Should IG-88 have scoundrel synergy?

5 posts Member
edited May 2016
I mean he is a bounty hunter. And he wouldn't be the only one with two character synergies like Lando and Vader

Should IG-88 have scoundrel synergy? 85 votes

Top_QuarkJabberwockyUshoKhorvog_KarbossaDhalldano7591CaptSeaWalkerbenacrowunit900000DumbledoreAwakened1130EricsonXMegadeth3700Darth_ReyMikymatejoemama28BubblechompRAYRAYcuyler41FranckMcBecker 67 votes
Green_Legend_RanAksterZekexinfectiouszombiexxakortsxxPyroPuffDekayingsoulOlleAltoon33NoSpoilHarlodpeterDrMageNightloresJasper052611HUSKARLlunarwolfevanbioAuricius 18 votes


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    88 is a droid who can be controlled by anyone who pays for its services. As a droid it does not have a mind of its own there for can not be anything but a droid.
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    Stormtrooper Han should be a scoundrel.
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    88 is a droid who can be controlled by anyone who pays for its services. As a droid it does not have a mind of its own there for can not be anything but a droid.

    Per his lore, he's actually a fully sentient droid with highly developed AI.
    He's got goals and hates and ambitions just like a living being.
    So yes, he should be labeled a scoundrel.
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    the above is a concept art but its the exact scene from episode 5. notice ig-88 is there with other bounty hunters
  • Jabberwocky
    1809 posts Member
    Scoundrel, definitely. He's a bounty hunter like Boba Fett.

    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    herbert79 wrote: »
    88 is a droid who can be controlled by anyone who pays for its services. As a droid it does not have a mind of its own there for can not be anything but a droid.

    Per his lore, he's actually a fully sentient droid with highly developed AI.
    He's got goals and hates and ambitions just like a living being.
    So yes, he should be labeled a scoundrel.

    @herbert79 @Dekayingsoul +1 on your comment Herbert.

    Dekayingsoul how about next time you make an educated comment before blasting away with your own ill informed opinions. Go read ig88's Wookiepedia profile, and then come back to this thread.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Bounty hunter syngergy maybe ?
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    I say yes, only because the scoundrel synergy is probably the most underdeveloped synergy in the game.
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    Initially I would have said no but read up on him and it seems he should
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
    99 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    He already has synergy.... With everyone as leader.
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I sense a not-so-subtle request to buff ig-88 by allowing lando to boost his high crit damage even more. Lando also boosts ig-88's mediocre speed as well.

    NO.Just no to making ig-88 a scoundrel

    ig88 already has 45% additional crit damage, and you want to give him another 29% crit damage on an aoe with an additional 15 speed to boot? Not interested to see ig88 and lando on the same team.No, just no.
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    With that said, they should add more Scoundrels, such as Bosssk (Dark Side Attacker with Life regen per Turn), 4-LOM, and Sidon Ithano.

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    I vote for Bossk. I'd also like to see another light side scoundrel, like Nien Nunb. We need another smuggler amongst the bounty hunters.
  • Dekayingsoul
    632 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    herbert79 wrote: »
    88 is a droid who can be controlled by anyone who pays for its services. As a droid it does not have a mind of its own there for can not be anything but a droid.

    Per his lore, he's actually a fully sentient droid with highly developed AI.
    He's got goals and hates and ambitions just like a living being.
    So yes, he should be labeled a scoundrel.

    @herbert79 @Dekayingsoul +1 on your comment Herbert.

    Dekayingsoul how about next time you make an educated comment before blasting away with your own ill informed opinions. Go read ig88's Wookiepedia profile, and then come back to this thread.

    I should let you calling me out alone but well guess I'm in a mood.

    Manufactured by Holowan Lab, and modeled after model IG-86. This makes it a droid. Able to think and act like a living being does not make it one. It is still a droid, you know that Luke and Han once were Stormtroopers, does that mean they should have Empire synergy?

    Of all the mid-classified synergies on the game you pick this one??
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    herbert79 wrote: »
    88 is a droid who can be controlled by anyone who pays for its services. As a droid it does not have a mind of its own there for can not be anything but a droid.

    Per his lore, he's actually a fully sentient droid with highly developed AI.
    He's got goals and hates and ambitions just like a living being.
    So yes, he should be labeled a scoundrel.

    @herbert79 @Dekayingsoul +1 on your comment Herbert.

    Dekayingsoul how about next time you make an educated comment before blasting away with your own ill informed opinions. Go read ig88's Wookiepedia profile, and then come back to this thread.

    I should let you calling me out alone but well guess I'm in a mood.

    Manufactured by Holowan Lab, and modeled after model IG-86. This makes it a droid. Able to think and act like a living being does not make it one. It is still a droid, you know that Luke and Han once were Stormtroopers, does that mean they should have Empire synergy?

    Of all the mid-classified synergies on the game you pick this one??

    What part of sentient was confusing? He isnt asking for droid to be removed, just scoundrel added.

    Its OK you were wrong, nobody really cares.
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    Ahh yes, Timitok the troll. Well it must be the case of your going against what I am saying. What is this now, my last 4 or 5 posts you have done this on? I will break it down further and slooooowerrrr for you.

    88 is a droid and an assassination droid. Just because he was given increased learning abilities does not make him anything more than that. He is not able to fly around picking clients, but rather is hired by a party to carry out there commands. And because a character is seen working with a different faction does not make them part of it. Ventress worked with both Tano and Anakin, does not make her a Jedi, and the list can go on from there.

    If Grevious is a droid then synergies are not correct as he is as much a droid as Vader is. If Savage and Dooku are Sith synergies are not correct as Savage never was and Dooku was a Jedi name (Tyranus was his Sith name). If there is not a Separatist or Republic faction, synergies are wrong.Again the list can go on.
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    Bounty hunter is not by definition a scoundrel and I don't see how a droid can ever be a scoundrel.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    It isnt trolling to consistently disagree with you. Just one more thing you are wrong about...

    IG88 actually DOES fly around picking clients, and he has the ability to choose his preferences. He is not a smart droid. He is sentient. Self aware. Alive.

    Being wrong cant physically hurt you, its going to be ok.
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    Nightlores wrote: »
    Bounty hunter is not by definition a scoundrel and I don't see how a droid can ever be a scoundrel.

    It is very much true that bounty hunter by definition is not a scoundrel, but if IG-88 truly is sentient, then he/it could very well be both a scoundrel, standup-comedian, doctor or stockbroker if it/he so chooses.

    Is IG-88 more than just a regular droid is the question.

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    IG 88 was my first 7* he is great and should be a scoundrel as he is just like us. We were manufactured just by a different way but since 88 has wants needs and everything he's not just a droid.
  • herbert79
    73 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    If you haven't read shadows of the empire, check it out. Great book and it's jam packed full of good scoundrels they could use. Dash Rendar would be my suggestion!
  • herbert79
    73 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Also, back to the IG-88 issue. The scientist that created him were looking to create a highly advance AI that they could control. They made a mistake and accidentally created a droid with fully functional sentience. IG-88 and the other three versions then went on to kill their creators and escape. He felt he was superior to all biologicals and decided to bring about another droid revolution. He sent his brother 88 to bounty hunt in order to keep people distracted. He completed many missions for various clients that he CHOSE to work for. Yes, in my humble opinion, he should be labeled a scoundrel. I understand the balance issues at play though so it makes sense to keep that designator from him for that reason. Every other bounty hunter in this game is labeled a scoundrel though, just to make a point.
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    88 is a droid who can be controlled by anyone who pays for its services. As a droid it does not have a mind of its own there for can not be anything but a droid.

    Grievous is a droid...
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