Qui Gon Humbling Blow Issue

As far as I'm aware, when you still use humbling blow to remove a buff your team is supposed to get offense up however since the update it seems like processes or doesn't process based on the buff you remove. When I did the yoda challenge, there would be no offense up even though I removed the tenacity buff and when I just played an arena match, there was offense up even though I removed the evade buff from luminara. Anybody else notice this?


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    Yeah noticed this too. I can come up with an explanation but not sure if it's a good one lol
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    Noticed this too.
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
  • Twyst3d
    58 posts Member
    Sometimes Lumis Evasion Up is dispelled but I get no buffs. Sometimes it works fine.
  • Aeriy
    17 posts Member
    I was noticing it especially with Lumi as well, but maybe it has to do with that bug where Lumi lead (= evasion buff) could be used to gain offense up from. This was 'fixed', so maybe something happened that if Lumi is lead and has the visible Evasion Up buff, dispelling it with Humbling Blow will not grant Offense Up. I'm not certain about this though. Last one where I paid attention, QGJ dispelled Lumi just fine with Offense Up, but she was not lead.
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    Aeriy wrote: »
    I was noticing it especially with Lumi as well, but maybe it has to do with that bug where Lumi lead (= evasion buff) could be used to gain offense up from. This was 'fixed', so maybe something happened that if Lumi is lead and has the visible Evasion Up buff, dispelling it with Humbling Blow will not grant Offense Up. I'm not certain about this though. Last one where I paid attention, QGJ dispelled Lumi just fine with Offense Up, but she was not lead.

    This situation earlier they had old ben as the lead
  • lunarwolf
    357 posts Member
    yep same issue. appeared recently and now happens regularly but not always. it's not just vs Yoda in event, it happens vs a variety of toons in pvp and pve
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    Humbling blow, as far as I know, works only with the initial hit (for some buffs. Health up, Advantage, and maybe one or two others). If someone else hits opponent before QQJ uses humbling blow, you don't gain offense up. It might be true for all buffs.
  • C3POwn
    507 posts Member
    Humbling blow, as far as I know, works only with the initial hit (for some buffs. Health up, Advantage, and maybe one or two others). If someone else hits opponent before QQJ uses humbling blow, you don't gain offense up. It might be true for all buffs.

    That would make sense except one of your toons has to always hit Savage first in order for Humbling blow to work. I think it has more to do with a bug of some sort. As long as the enemy has a buff, it should work everytime..
  • OguhDeias
    140 posts Member
    There´s another issue with QGJ (but this one is good for attacking player in Arena), when you use his basic and the target dodges, he still decreases the TM of the target...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    It is certainly acting funny.
  • Hendiju
    370 posts Member
    OguhDeias wrote: »
    There´s another issue with QGJ (but this one is good for attacking player in Arena), when you use his basic and the target dodges, he still decreases the TM of the target...

    You shut your mouth!!! Shh
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Options
    OguhDeias wrote: »
    There´s another issue with QGJ (but this one is good for attacking player in Arena), when you use his basic and the target dodges, he still decreases the TM of the target...

    TM reduction is a separate action. This can go under the same category as dodging while stunned and Yoda gaining foresight even though his initial attack was evaded.
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    I have noticed QGJ also often gets offense up when attacking my toon that has no buffs - almost as if he is trying to dispel their passive ability and getting offense up from that. Only seems to work for the AI though!
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    Thankfully it seems to work fine when dispelling taunt, but it is very broken against other buffs. I don't even bother using it against evasion up on Old Ben, it seems to do nothing at all. Many other instances where I remove the buff, but don't get offense up, or I do get offense up but enemy GS keeps its buff as well.
  • OguhDeias
    140 posts Member
    Hendiju wrote: »
    OguhDeias wrote: »
    There´s another issue with QGJ (but this one is good for attacking player in Arena), when you use his basic and the target dodges, he still decreases the TM of the target...

    You shut your mouth!!! Shh

    Hehehe sorry man but it´s nonsense... if he dodges... "wait... i didn´t hit you but i´m going to penalize you anyway..." :smile:
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