Gamorreans are highway robbery!!

79 posts Member
T6 and I'm doing 23K with my best team... 15 7* characters and no one can touch the Captain because of the ridiculously high health guards who taunt and counter. Not to mention the offense up... Seriously don't see how ppl are getting into the hundreds of thousands within the first stage. Either you have the correct characters or you don't. Sad really, I thought my collection was somewhat good.


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    Strategy. That is all.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    You need dispel (mace qgj sun fac! teebo, asajj is awesome) and scrubbing of debuffs (barris for Jedi, rex, lobot, ackbar, elder) and the third nice hint is stun for the guy on the left. Many people kill the guys with dps as well instead of stun.
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    who are you using?
  • Lambi
    473 posts Member
    Do t7 it's easier.
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    You should have no problems killing one of the guards pretty quickly, then stunning the one left over, most people seem to use RG for this since he has a high stun rate. Ive been told t7 guards have more hp even though the boss has less hp, never been online to fight heroic phase 1 though in time so do not know.
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    I use QGJ or Assaj to clear up the taunts and attack boss only...
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    Lambi wrote: »
    Do t7 it's easier.

    If he's having difficulty with the guards, T7 is NOT easier. They have a lot more HP on T7
  • Options
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.
  • LlwllynZ
    97 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    You may want apply a strategy before going in dry and ofc you may ask for advice first before you complain.

    Having that said, the best way is killing the guards with high dpsers and you dont even need to worry about stuns, or buff removal.
    In case you dont have the necesarry dps to finish the guards of efficiently, you have to rely on stuns and go for the control game.
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.

    Yeah, "great teamwork". I've seen it as well.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.

    Yeah, "great teamwork". I've seen it as well.

    Encourage all your guildies to not participate until phase 2, that should shake things up.

    Also, you are using the highway robbery term wrong.
    It would apply if the Gammorean was too expensive, but not in this case.
  • Jakkal
    66 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    They should count the Pigs damage too, otherwise everyone will want to skip phase 1. It's just stup1d like almost everything else in this game.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Jakkal wrote: »
    They should count the Pugs damage too, otherwise everyone will want to skip phase 1. It's just stupid like almost everything else in this game.

    Why play if you do not like it?
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.

    Yeah, "great teamwork". I've seen it as well.

    Encourage all your guildies to not participate until phase 2, that should shake things up.

    Also, you are using the highway robbery term wrong.
    It would apply if the Gammorean was too expensive, but not in this case.

    I assume the second sentence was directed to the OP. Otherwise, you are correct.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.

    Yeah, "great teamwork". I've seen it as well.

    Encourage all your guildies to not participate until phase 2, that should shake things up.

    Also, you are using the highway robbery term wrong.
    It would apply if the Gammorean was too expensive, but not in this case.

    I assume the second sentence was directed to the OP. Otherwise, you are correct.

    Yes, second statement is directed at OP
  • Options
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with waiting until the pig stage is over to get some damage in. I don't have the squad for the pigs and therefore am just a waste. We are doing a T6 right now and it's taking some time but I would wait until the end of the night before using my battles because I was only doing like 15-20k damage against the pig when I do like 160-200 on the rancor.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with waiting until the pig stage is over to get some damage in. I don't have the squad for the pigs and therefore am just a waste. We are doing a T6 right now and it's taking some time but I would wait until the end of the night before using my battles because I was only doing like 15-20k damage against the pig when I do like 160-200 on the rancor.

    See? They are helping!

    Nothing selfish going on at all.
  • Options
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    My guild just tried tier 6 for the first time. The pigs take so long and don't count damage on the ones he calls in, then hit the Rancor portion and it is so much easier. Now I understand those posts where guild members wait for the pig portion to be done or do not attack until it is convenient for them to get more damage, it has been an interesting experience.

    Yeah, "great teamwork". I've seen it as well.

    It's not just the teamwork aspect: timing/roster/luck/thinking that low damage is a waste of time - all issues too. I am sure each guild handles it different, the first run is always a trial though.
    Just weird the 1st tier is the hardest and vastly different than the next 3 tiers - everyone seems to treat this portion differently. I just assume 3 pigs would be equal or less hard than the named huge raid beast: Rancor. I haven't seen any post/comments that says that the rancor is more trouble than the pigs, but perhaps there are some that feel that way too?
  • ItsJarJarBinkz
    2494 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I do the most damage against the guards. But hey thats only 300k with all. Now that I think about it it's the same for both the guards and rancor. That's tier 6. Tier 5 1.5mil against the guards.
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    Stun was proper for T6, especially with an omega upgraded Daka. My RG was not really landing any stuns. At T7 however, it is not the right way to go, your stuns won´t land as often as back in T6. Instead, go full dps, and kill the right guard first, then the left quickly. In our guild, we cleared P1 pretty fast with about 10 guys, each aiming at 200k damage (10% health) or better. AA (L), Rey, Leia, QGJ and GS, or Phasma(L), AA, QGJ, Rey, GS teams worked out the best so far in this phase. Also, try to escape with 2-3 toons (preferably Rey being one of them). I´d go as far as to stay, that I actually prefer phase1 the most, since I need to run it a couple of times for RNG and escapes and it is challenging. Rancor for me is just auto-battle, no time for strategy :( I´m sure you read it before, but if your guild can clear T6 with just 1 refresh, you should totally try T7.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    LlwllynZ wrote: »
    You may want apply a strategy before going in dry and ofc you may ask for advice first before you complain.

    Having that said, the best way is killing the guards with high dpsers and you dont even need to worry about stuns, or buff removal.
    In case you dont have the necesarry dps to finish the guards of efficiently, you have to rely on stuns and go for the control game.

    Even with high dps the guards have a ton of health. By the time you finish off the one on the right who always taunts first the one on the left has taunt and retribution so he's countering everything you throw at him.

    Basically if you don't have decent dispellers or stunners you're going to suck at phase 1 on t6 pretty hard. Once QGJ is dead on my team I'm pretty much done with that phase since I can't get to the captain with my roster unless it's a straight up AoE team, and they can only do so much.
  • RMF
    48 posts Member
    Our guild completed Tier 7 for the first time yesterday, and the Pigs really aren't an issue if you have the right toons. We just allocated the pigs to 5 people with the best team for the pigs, and they did an average of 20% damage each. Then everyone else had a go in phase 2/3 and we zerged phase 4. All you need is a bit of collaboration and an understanding of how to beat them (which everyone above has spelled out above). Sure the guys who tackle the pigs have a bigger damage output, but they are the ones that put the time and resources into toons that can beat them, and allow everyone else to save their damage for the rancor. And when the rewards came in, rank #39 got a full piece of gear, whereas none of the top 5 did. So it's pretty much a lottery anyway! It really isn't as broken as people claim here, you just need to work as, well, as a guild!

    Good luck getting your guild organised OP!
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Tier 6 you can deliver the most damage to the pigs. Kill right stun/ remove counter right. Attack the face. Phas, Rey, RG, QG, GS.
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