Raid Refresh

440 posts Member
I've seen less of this topic on the forums lately, but I think it's important devs don't forget! We need a restructured raid refresh time (how about 24 hours after the raid restarts).

The way it's set up now, it's very difficult for an American player to stay in the top 10 bc our players from other time zones play when the raid refreshes (which is 2-4 in the morning US). Another way to fix this is if rewards were random and not based on rank. Either way, I want a fair shot at earning top tier rewaeds


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    You could join a guild where everyone is the same time zone.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Or join a guild where the leader is a timezone that puts your refresh convenient for you you.

    It's not difficult
  • JJWZP5
    440 posts Member
    Yea but I don't want to switch guilds at this point. We formed prepaying and I've gotten to know them all. I just want ea to make it an auto 24 hour time lapse so we can choose what's best for everyone
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    So make EA spend development time and money, possibly creating problems for others, because you dont want to fix your own problem with an easy solution?

  • JJWZP5
    440 posts Member
    @Timitock It's not easy, we've developed a relationship in our guild. It would be like not playing the game with your friend. I'm faced with a choice between not playing with friends to have a more convenient refresh. I shouldn't be forced to choose between those. Does that make sense?
  • StarSon
    7538 posts Member
    I disagree. Raid reset is fine.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    JJWZP5 wrote: »
    @Timitock It's not easy, we've developed a relationship in our guild. It would be like not playing the game with your friend. I'm faced with a choice between not playing with friends to have a more convenient refresh. I shouldn't be forced to choose between those. Does that make sense?

    So you hang out with your guildies IRL? You have known them longer than 3 months?

    If they were your friends, they would allow for your wants and needs.
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