intentionally go for shard shop credits with GW?

53 posts Member
edited May 2016
I'm curious, how many of you at this point in the game, will intentionally get spare shards in GW shop in order to exchange it for Shard Shop credits?

I ask because I'm at that point where I feel like I've maxed out all the characters I want from GW's shop and, instead of working on toons I don't need, I'd rather take the 10 to 1 conversion hit and get credit in the Shard Shop. I know Vader has shown up a couple of times there and Grevious is always interesting to me.

Anyone else doing this or that a terrible waste? Should I just hang on to my GW credits and hope someone usable is added to the GW shop one day? (Crossing my fingers for Leia but that's a pipe's dream.)

Edit: removed calling out magmatrooper.
Post edited by orange12 on


  • Options
    I only do it on days when there's someone like Vader in the shop. Otherwise I work on Poggle, Teebo, etc.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Can we agree that you may not like Magmatrooper, but other people might?
    Maybe not call their choice to play him dumb?

    It is a good idea to bank and keep at least 900 shard shop currency to pick up random Vader and Pack-exclusive shards.

    Characters that one finds "dumb" today may turn out to be "smart" to have later on.

    But hopes and wishes are nice, too, I guess.
  • Gwonk
    239 posts Member
    orange12 wrote: »
    I'm curious, how many of you at this point in the game, will intentionally get spare shards in GW shop in order to exchange it for Shard Shop credits?

    I ask because I'm at that point where I feel like I've maxed out all the characters I want from GW's shop and, instead of working on someone dumb like Magmatrooper, I'd rather take the 10 to 1 conversion hit and get credit in the Shard Shop. I know Vader has shown up a couple of times there and Grevious is always interesting to me.

    Anyone else doing this or that a terrible waste? Should I just hang on to my GW credits and hope someone usable is added to the GW shop one day? (Crossing my fingers for Leia but that's a pipe's dream.)

    Yes, I do this.
    I have Poggle, Lumi, 86, Magma, Phasma, Teebo maxed and each of the others unlocked, but didn't see any interest in using them, so yes, i'm using the points toward the shard shop.
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    I'm currently racking up shard currency. But still chip away at GW shipment toons. Currently there are only 2 more that I would like to have. So I buy 5 shards a day and the rest goes to shard currency. I'm slowly chipping away at Teebo and RP as my last 2 GW toons since I don't have the credits to level them if I were to get them at 7* quickly anyway.

    I'm not necessarily gunning for GG, but in a couple months I'll likely start buying his shards cause I'll have so many shard credits anyway. It's not like Vader shards show up in there every day.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    All GW toons are 7* for me so for me everything goes to shard exchange.
  • orange12
    53 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Can we agree that you may not like Magmatrooper, but other people might?
    Maybe not call their choice to play him dumb?

    It is a good idea to bank and keep at least 900 shard shop currency to pick up random Vader and Pack-exclusive shards.

    Characters that one finds "dumb" today may turn out to be "smart" to have later on.

    Fair point. I removed my comment about Magmatrooper.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    orange12 wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Can we agree that you may not like Magmatrooper, but other people might?
    Maybe not call their choice to play him dumb?

    It is a good idea to bank and keep at least 900 shard shop currency to pick up random Vader and Pack-exclusive shards.

    Characters that one finds "dumb" today may turn out to be "smart" to have later on.

    Fair point. I removed my comment about Magmatrooper.

    Far too polite for these forums, are you new?
  • CyciumX
    83 posts Member
    Restating what others have... GW is a great way to get ahrds for the shop of Vader pops up, but I personally would just pick another toon to acquire and star up.

    Even if you don't care for anyone else, the game always has a chance to convert a useless toon into a monster.

    You may very well save tens or hundreds of thousands but you can only spend 1,600/day without spending crystals on refreshes (per character). You make the call... if you don't mind spending crystals just to refresh the GW store then save them I guess.
  • Options
    I've just unlocked GG using this method and grab Vader every chance I get. My roster is pretty diverse, I'm not just focused on PvP so I find this a good way to improve.
  • orange12
    53 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Far too polite for these forums, are you new?

    Meh, I guess I'm just too old and tired these days to end every Internet argument with "something something you're literally H1tler". ;)
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Hypothetically if you have all the GW toons, even if a new toon is introduced you won't be able spend as fast as you earn. So this is ultimately going to happen unless they sell gear or mats at an aweful price. I think mats should be introduced atleast like they did in arena currency.
  • Options
    Mats would be great!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Asic wrote: »
    Hypothetically if you have all the GW toons, even if a new toon is introduced you won't be able spend as fast as you earn. So this is ultimately going to happen unless they sell gear or mats at an aweful price. I think mats should be introduced atleast like they did in arena currency.

    They still might be.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    orange12 wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Far too polite for these forums, are you new?

    Meh, I guess I'm just too old and tired these days to end every Internet argument with "something something you're literally H1tler". ;)

    Whatever, kid, get off my lawn.
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