My thoughts on this whole "nerf everyone good" phase in the game.

Why should they nerf people that are OP? Let's say all of a sudden they nerf leia which some people want. Well now everyone who has leia and spent tons of $ to get her, is now in outrage. This leads to pretty much no progress however as now the people who used leia are just gonna replace her with a slightly less powerful character who's still very good. Their team is still going to be about the same power level anyways but now their mad at the company. What I think they should do instead is take all of the least used characters and buff them for a few day period. If people hate the new changes and newly buffed characters are OP give them a lesser buff and see if that works. If that works than presto all of a sudden a bunch of new characters can be used in arena battles and not harm the overall team any. While a lot of buffs are as simple as a damage buff of like 25% or a health buff of like 25%, they could also implement new abilities to certain characters to make them lethal in one aspect of another. For example give ugnaught an ability where he flips all of the opponents positive buffs on a used ability but everything else on him stays the same. This adds a whole new level of strategy as now if you use say captain phasma and advantage, all of a sudden every character on your team has damage down for 1 turn because of ugnaught. If they did this for other characters and made them all good in certain aspects, it would cause a lot more strategy in team building to go against certain teams. Now this will most likely make offense easier, so I think EA also needs to make defenses smart.


    2761 posts Member
    I think I kinda agree with you in concept. They shouldn't nerf anyone, they should bring other characters up a bit. Maul, Fisto, Anakin, Cad Bane, Boba Fett, Etc all deserve their time in the sun, or to at least be viable.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    In a world where everyone is viable, only the top 10 are considered so.

    This is our present, not our future.
  • Options
    I like this idea too. Make others stronger or more swiss army knife like. Even though they removed 20% of QGJ's damage he is still super useful as a strategy piece with the assist attack and debuf. More players like this that can add layers of strategy! The nerf everyone smells like poor sports to me.

    When you are playing sports or competing in any event you want your team/ you to get better, not hoping your opponent is suddenly terrible.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    The problem isn't that characters are non-viable on offense or defense it's that every toon is viable on offense but defense is fear based.

    Not getting attacked is the only defense for equally levelled and gear toons. So any deviation from meta puts a target on you and down the ranks you go. So the incentive in arena is to conform.
  • Options
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    The problem isn't that characters are non-viable on offense or defense it's that every toon is viable on offense but defense is fear based.

    Not getting attacked is the only defense for equally levelled and gear toons. So any deviation from meta puts a target on you and down the ranks you go. So the incentive in arena is to conform.
    This simply isn't true. A team of ugnaught, coruscant, stormtrooper, ewok elder, and URoR... would get absolutely demolished offensively against any of the top players. But why should they they have the basic roles a tank a healer and 3 damages with different useful abilities but they'd still get destroyed. All of those characters are significantly worse than other options. This shouldn't be they should all be atleast decently close in skill.
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