Dodge Statistics

CG doesn't seem to be interested in either anecdotal evidence or hard numbers when it comes to their broken evasion mechanic. However, I'd like to continue the effort of another poster here who tracked Dooku's dodge rating over a two week period (which ended up being an astounding 39%). To be clear, in a sample size of just under 3000 attacks, that is 25% higher than what is reflected in Dooku's Level 7 leader ability description.

Please don't merge this into the dodge megathread (as if the fact that it exists isn't enough of a clue that the stat is broken) as I'd like this information to be easily accessible. I'll be updating this daily with my PVP battles (as long as I have time).


May 18: 44/172 = 26%


  • HaloWars29
    279 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Are you aware that its +15 evasion ON TOP of their basic dodge? Every character has a different basic dodge percentage. That's why you see characters dodge even though their's no dodge bonus. You can tell some characters have more basic dodge than others. Rey, Poggle, RG, Dooku, Ben, and a few others are some that I've experienced seeing dodge very frequently.
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    @HaloWars29 Not true unfortunately... I believe even CG has confirmed that every character has the same base dodge rating.

    There are characters with passive evasion abilities (which is why you seem to see Poggle dodge more) which boost their dodge rating but every character starts at the same base amount.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    HaloWars29 wrote: »
    Are you aware that its +15 evasion ON TOP of their basic dodge? Every character has a different basic dodge percentage. That's why you see characters dodge even though their's no dodge bonus. You can tell some characters have more basic dodge than others. Rey, Poggle, RG, Dooku, Ben, and a few others are some that I've experienced seeing dodge very frequently.

    To be fair, Rey has Foresight on 2 abilities, Poggle gets bonus Evasion with Droids, Ben has Evasion Up on his basic, and Dooku is lead like 99% of the time you see him.

    RG and Daka seem to have high natural rates from my observation.
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    @Timitock I was about to post exactly that - thank you!

    To add - RG has the highest health pool of any character in the game and taunts several times every battle, meaning you have to attack him more times in a battle than any other character. Of course it seems like he dodges more when you attack him 2-3 times more than anyone else.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    @Timitock I was about to post exactly that - thank you!

    To add - RG has the highest health pool of any character in the game and taunts several times every battle, meaning you have to attack him more times in a battle than any other character. Of course it seems like he dodges more when you attack him 2-3 times more than anyone else.

    I never considered that with RG. Any confirmation-bias checks like that for Daka?

    If so, we have no evidence that base dodge rates are variable per toon.
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    I believe a Dev said that the average dodge rating was 7.5%. But not all were the same. Also, I just read that post that you just mentioned, he counted dodges, and deflections. Deflections could possibly be counted by a whole different % for all we know.
    And when I talk about those characters having high dodge ratings, I do take in consideration that they have passive or active abilities that gives them dodge boosts. And even discounting them, they still dodge more frequently than others. Rey dodges a lot, even discounting foresigth, Poggle still dodges a lot even after all other droids are dead (he's always one of the last to die). RG having high health really doesn't have anything to do with how frequently he dodges. I do take into account how many attacks land on him as well. So overall, he does have a decent basic dodge rating.
    Honestly, if someone really wants to debunk whether Dookus lead is in fact broken, they need to be more accurate with their data gathering.
    Don't count overall dodges of all characters per match. Do overall dodge for one character, one without dooku lead, one with dooku lead. Count only dodges, and make sure no other dodge bonus is in effect.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Poggle being last to die has more to do with his threat level than his dodge rate.
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    I don't know why everyone thinks Dooku's leadership dodge is broken, but are fine with Old Ben and Lumi's?

    Old Ben teams dodge just as much as Dooku
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    I don't know why everyone thinks Dooku's leadership dodge is broken, but are fine with Old Ben and Lumi's?

    Old Ben teams dodge just as much as Dooku

    I'm guessing it's cause Dooku is used more frequently than the other 2 as leader. But Lumi at least has a qualifier if you want the full benefits, only jedis get the max dodge boost, others get half. Old Ben is slowly popping up more quickly. Matter of time before more people complain about him too.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Seriously learn how to make a case.

    Track dodge rate of non dodge leaders too. And track individual toons. And then u willnhave the statstics which the devs already have. Congrats.
  • Options
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Seriously learn how to make a case.

    Track dodge rate of non dodge leaders too. And track individual toons. And then u willnhave the statstics which the devs already have. Congrats.

    That's what I mentioned. If someone wants to make a claim that can potentially change the function of a character, at least make sure your data is as accurate as it could be.
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    @LastJedi I don't really get the tone of your post. Seems like only a handful of people have made posts like mine and you're acting like it's a chore to read. Anyhow, I take what you're saying about being able to compare evasion lead data vs non evasion for the sake of argument. Might be difficult to find a non-evasion lead on my server though...

    Also - I'm aware CG has these statistics already, I mentioned it in the first line of my post...? Simply trying to draw more attention to the issue.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    CG doesn't seem to be interested in either anecdotal evidence or hard numbers when it comes to their broken evasion mechanic. However, I'd like to continue the effort of another poster here who tracked Dooku's dodge rating over a two week period (which ended up being an astounding 39%). To be clear, in a sample size of just under 3000 attacks, that is 25% higher than what is reflected in Dooku's Level 7 leader ability description.

    Please don't merge this into the dodge megathread (as if the fact that it exists isn't enough of a clue that the stat is broken) as I'd like this information to be easily accessible. I'll be updating this daily with my PVP battles (as long as I have time).


    May 18: 44/172 = 26%

    Base dodge is 7.5% based on my tracking. So 22.5% would be Dooku teams dodge rate. This assumes same base dodge for everyone.

    Str deviation for 172 trials is roughly 5.

    So your range of valuesbased on 172 trials 99.7% of the time would be 38+/-15. Your results are well with expectation:

    Please keep updating daily.

    How do you count toons with dodge up?

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    @LastJedi I don't really get the tone of your post. Seems like only a handful of people have made posts like mine and you're acting like it's a chore to read. Anyhow, I take what you're saying about being able to compare evasion lead data vs non evasion for the sake of argument. Might be difficult to find a non-evasion lead on my server though...

    Also - I'm aware CG has these statistics already, I mentioned it in the first line of my post...? Simply trying to draw more attention to the issue.

    the "chore to read" is most likely because there are 45+ pages of dodge related stuff in the megathread. since your post didnt add anything new or groundbreaking its a matter of time before it will get merged.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    He'd be wise to omit them or seperate them since it offers a different dodge rate to compare to.
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    @leef the megathread is full of complainers/nerf-cryers/noobs. I'm none of those. I'm trying to conduct a rational discussion about dodge based on hard facts, something only 1 other person has done on this forum to my knowledge. But if you can't tell the difference between my motives and the motives of everyone crying in the megathread, that's your issue. Sorry trying to inject a note of logic into the discussion wasn't "groundbreaking" enough for you.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    @leef the megathread is full of complainers/nerf-cryers/noobs. I'm none of those. I'm trying to conduct a rational discussion about dodge based on hard facts, something only 1 other person has done on this forum to my knowledge. But if you can't tell the difference between my motives and the motives of everyone crying in the megathread, that's your issue. Sorry trying to inject a note of logic into the discussion wasn't "groundbreaking" enough for you.

    no need to get all defensive about it. i wasnt attacking you, just posted my thoughts on how your thread would end up.
    i highly doubt that your motives are different from the "complainers/nerf-cryers/noobs" as you call them. Your methods on the other hand are slightly different, but not new or groundbreaking.

    Lets be honest, do you really think your thread with those statistics adds value to the whole discussion ? i do appreciate the effort, but i think it will be in vain.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    @leef the megathread is full of complainers/nerf-cryers/noobs. I'm none of those. I'm trying to conduct a rational discussion about dodge based on hard facts, something only 1 other person has done on this forum to my knowledge. But if you can't tell the difference between my motives and the motives of everyone crying in the megathread, that's your issue. Sorry trying to inject a note of logic into the discussion wasn't "groundbreaking" enough for you.

    no need to get all defensive about it. i wasnt attacking you, just posted my thoughts on how your thread would end up.
    i highly doubt that your motives are different from the "complainers/nerf-cryers/noobs" as you call them. Your methods on the other hand are slightly different, but not new or groundbreaking.

    Lets be honest, do you really think your thread with those statistics adds value to the whole discussion ? i do appreciate the effort, but i think it will be in vain.

    In most cases well sampled statistics have proven EA correct. I think the well collected shard, gear, and ability mat drop rate has added value to the forum. Well collected dodge stats should to.

    Dodge is a lot harder to take good data for.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    @leef the megathread is full of complainers/nerf-cryers/noobs. I'm none of those. I'm trying to conduct a rational discussion about dodge based on hard facts, something only 1 other person has done on this forum to my knowledge. But if you can't tell the difference between my motives and the motives of everyone crying in the megathread, that's your issue. Sorry trying to inject a note of logic into the discussion wasn't "groundbreaking" enough for you.

    no need to get all defensive about it. i wasnt attacking you, just posted my thoughts on how your thread would end up.
    i highly doubt that your motives are different from the "complainers/nerf-cryers/noobs" as you call them. Your methods on the other hand are slightly different, but not new or groundbreaking.

    Lets be honest, do you really think your thread with those statistics adds value to the whole discussion ? i do appreciate the effort, but i think it will be in vain.

    In most cases well sampled statistics have proven EA correct. I think the well collected shard, gear, and ability mat drop rate has added value to the forum. Well collected dodge stats should to.

    Dodge is a lot harder to take good data for.

    i share your opinion, and it doesnt contradict any of my previous statements about this thread.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Fitz
    302 posts Member
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    CG doesn't seem to be interested in either anecdotal evidence or hard numbers when it comes to their broken evasion mechanic. However, I'd like to continue the effort of another poster here who tracked Dooku's dodge rating over a two week period (which ended up being an astounding 39%). To be clear, in a sample size of just under 3000 attacks, that is 25% higher than what is reflected in Dooku's Level 7 leader ability description.

    Please don't merge this into the dodge megathread (as if the fact that it exists isn't enough of a clue that the stat is broken) as I'd like this information to be easily accessible. I'll be updating this daily with my PVP battles (as long as I have time).


    May 18: 44/172 = 26%

    Base dodge is 7.5% based on my tracking. So 22.5% would be Dooku teams dodge rate. This assumes same base dodge for everyone.

    Str deviation for 172 trials is roughly 5.

    So your range of valuesbased on 172 trials 99.7% of the time would be 38+/-15. Your results are well with expectation:

    Please keep updating daily.

    How do you count toons with dodge up?

    If base dodge is 7.5% then with Dooku lead, I understand it would multiply. So 1.075x1.15=23.6% dodge. Let's take RP: 23.6x1.05=29.8%.

    So almost 1 shot in 4 should miss against dodge lead team, and 1 shot in 3 against a character like RP. Based on my limited experience, those figures are quite in line with what is happening in game.

    In short, the AI isn't rigged imo.
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