Request for a stickied list of bugs to be fixed

This whole issue with fives could have been prevented by CG listing known "bugs" that will be fixed in the future. This is especially important when the bug matches the skill.


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    For example is it a "bug" that rey gets foresight exactly as her skill describes?

    Is it a bug that daka can stun two toons exactly as her skill describes?
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Because it wasn't a bug and they weren't aware of it. It's a bait to let P2P buy Echo. F2P can just kiss their gear and omega mat goodbye, same for dolphins. Just geared him to X with the first droidcaller and boom nerf.
    Stop nerfing characters who are fine. Also his description matches his skill pre update so I'm sorry but devs are just failing hard atm.
    They have no clue themselves what they are doing.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    For example is it a "bug" that rey gets foresight exactly as her skill describes?

    Is it a bug that daka can stun two toons exactly as her skill describes?

    Fives was working as his description stated as well. You can say that you read it differently, but it was working true to the stated text.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    It was working as per an interpretation of his skill text.

    But when people brought it up as a bug the Devs should comment with what will happen eventually. They really need to say

    It's a bug
    it's not a bug
    We haven't decided yet

    This way we could plan.
  • infidale
    46 posts Member
    Regardless of a whether it is a bug or not, the skill's functionality changed for the worse with this patch. As such it doesn't matter to me if it was due to the ineptitude in coding or design it matters that I purchased something that got changed for the worse after the purchase.

    This fact, no matter whether it is labeled bug fix or nerf should warrant at the very least a refund of omega materials used in my opinion because there is absolutely no debate that the skill was changed once people spent mats.
  • X0160768
    223 posts Member
    + 1

    The bugs section on this forum is a mess. They should definitely have a stickied post of known issues.

    To be honest, comms from CG/EA are shockingly bad in general. The game updates we get are great. But it would be better to have regular communications from the devs. We just seem to get radio silence most of the time.
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    They could update the list once per week when the weekly update post.
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    In light of jesse claiming fives was bugged when his action and description matched, please let us players know what bugs you know about?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    They know about everything we reported.
    We will know it was a bug if they fix it.
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Because it wasn't a bug and they weren't aware of it. It's a bait to let P2P buy Echo. F2P can just kiss their gear and omega mat goodbye, same for dolphins. Just geared him to X with the first droidcaller and boom nerf.
    Stop nerfing characters who are fine. Also his description matches his skill pre update so I'm sorry but devs are just failing hard atm.
    They have no clue themselves what they are doing.

    Here's a man who is seeing things clearly, glad to see it!!!
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