4400 Crystals!

264 posts Member
So I have been F2P since I started 3 months ago. My wife just gave me a 30 dollar gift card, which will give me 4400 crystals.

My question is what should I spend it on?

I am 45 shards from Maxing my Lando and have been leveling HRS as well. I thought about just blowing it all in cantina to max Lando and work on HRS at the same time.

Is this a good idea or should I spend it somewhere else?


  • Sirryker
    98 posts Member
    If I were you I'd save them and buy furnaces (1600 crystals each) when they become available. This is assuming your characters are gear level 8 and level 70-something.
    162 posts Member
    Slowly do extra Cantina's over a period of a couple weeks. Do the 100 extra and then the 200 extra. At 400 extra, seems a bit steep. That would be maximizing your gems most likely. Could do the extra 100 gems for 44 days and not do the extra 200.

    Or go big and roll the dice on a mega chromium.
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    Lol I actually thought about that. I have one in shipments available now. Only thing with that is you need 50 of those headphone jack looking things too so it won't do me any good right now
    162 posts Member
    Ackbar rocks btw. He's my leader!
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    Lol thanks. Mine too. I'll have mine at 6 star level 77 in two days. Love running my Rebel Squad in arena. It's different than everybody else.
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    What's the mega chromium?
  • RFC
    33 posts Member
    Furnaces. They'll take you far longer than grinding a character, otherwise.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Buy the furnaces. 1600 buys and you can make a toon relevant without farming all the raid gear
  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I save up my crystals everyday and hardly ever refresh anything. I'm able to buy one piece of premade gear per week for the most part. Best value in the game. Taking a character from gear VIII to gear XI will make more difference than what you'll probably end up spending the crystals on. You can do two definitely and then save crystals for a couple of days and do another.
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    Furnaces seems to be the consensus. I'll probably buy one and get my Lando to 7 star and see what's left. Maybe I'll have enough to buy another. Thanks guys
  • Sirryker
    98 posts Member
    @Galdin_Wan While I agree that furnaces are key, spending 200 crystals a day on refreshes (100 for squad cantina and 50 twice for light/dark battles) gets you to level 80 sooner. And level 80 means an omega mat a day. So while gear is key, and buying furnaces is a much more efficient way to gear IX than raids, refreshing energy has its merits too.
  • Options
    In case you didn't get the hint, buy furnaces. Use energy refreshes on coinciding guild activity days to maximize guild currency payout. Save that currency for scanners, tech, and callers.
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    So many good points. The Omega mats will be huge, but so will the furnaces. I can get furnaces in the guild store. So I think I'll go with @Sirryker and use it on refreshes to hit 80 faster. I appreciate all the feed back.
  • Options
    buy furnace when you see them in shop, (they won't appear that frequently anyway). And meanwhile use the energy for refreshes to serve you up to level 80.
    Once you're 80 you stopped refreshing as much anyway.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Be even nicer to your wife from now on so she gets you a $50 gift card next time
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