How to keep your guild full of active members

Its hard to find successful dedicated members that stay current


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    Kick out everyone who isn't active until you get 50/50 active members.

    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Not being negative here, but I don't think you can with the Ingame tools. I believe you need tools like discord, for better communication, and to build an actual community. Ingame tools give you 50 blood thirsty pirates who don't know or care about anything but loot. In a community, atleast you talk to the blood thirsty pirates who want loot! Lol
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    I like Turtle's plan but it's not working. Posts in the guild subsection get buried within an hour and is difficult to advertise your guild if you're not in top ranks.

    We have around 20 very active members and additional 15 somewhat active.
    I've removed several over the last couple of weeks after they went a full week with 0 donations and only 2 spots have been filled.

    If anyone 65 or higher is looking for guild, let me know.

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    I just kicked 6 non-active members from my guild but altogether I only have 18 members. I do my due diligence and let everyone know via chat how to earn gold coins each particular day when they are special events going on and so on. I even go as far as the give shout-outs to the members who are active everyday and both Guild coin contribution and during the rates when they're going and I try to let my guild know what is coming up for earning coins and what to save Cantina energy dark battles Light bottles whatever the case it's and it seems to be working but I still only have a half full Guild
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    I have some low level 40 members and a couple level 70 members all of who seem to be loyal to our Guild which I appreciate those are my money makers it would be cool if there was a merge Guild auction what are you can take to half full guilds and incorporate them together
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    That's what we should ask the creators for a merge Guild option
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Do you have LINE?
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    ? No idea
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    In Google Play or the app store, search for the free app named LINE.
    Download and install. Create a profile. Send me your username or LINE id#.
    Its a decent chat program.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Kick out everyone who isn't active until you get 50/50 active members.



    Such great advice.
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    okay I talked to the rest of our guild they don't like the idea of merging or switching guilds but if they want to train in our Guild gain experience and all that they are welcome
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    The general consensus is we all want to keep our Guild the way it is we just want more members floor it to add to our quote-unquote family
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    We love the loot and all but we're only doing tier 3 and 4 raids
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Ok then, best of luck to you then, and our doors are open if you change your mind.

    Remember, you made the post asking for the merge.

    Maybe next time, take the vote, then post.

    Also, this has become a recruitment post and belongs in the guilds section.

    None of us like it, but thats how it works. We would all love to recruit in General Discussion.

    @BentWookiee @FashionFett
  • bluenqm
    172 posts Member
    The problem is: we have too many guilds.
    Assume that we have X active players out there, then we should have X / 50 guilds.

    The solution? Merge your guild with another guild.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    bluenqm wrote: »
    The problem is: we have too many guilds.
    Assume that we have X active players out there, then we should have X / 50 guilds.

    The solution? Merge your guild with another guild.

    Um, he just declined a merge...
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    Yeah my bad guys I'll do that right the next time LOL
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    What the rest of my guild would like is another guild to merge with ours no one wants to jump ship example your guild has 25 our Guild has 21 we abolish one Guild and now the remaining Guild has 46. We didn't want to cut anyone out of the merge so is a specific type of Merge that we wanted I should have been more specific
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    So that was where the miscommunication happened and that was my bad sorry guys
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    Hopefully that clears things up
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    But technically it's an excellent topic of discussion because we have too many guilds and not enough players
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Sigh...the real issue at the heart of the matter is the guild name...we all made our guilds immediately to lock in our names...i for one wouldn't join another guild just because our guild name is way better (imo) than more than half of the generic run of the mill names on the leaderboard. Some of them are very creative and kudous to them. They should be the best guilds...and eventually will be...its like having an email name that starts with gary3174...really you couldn't take the time to find ANYTHING but the pregenerated gary3174?

    "How quaint that you should faint before the power of the taint(side)!"
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My guild is at 35 members, with 3 pending invites, and clearing T5 raids in 3 days, with enough coin to start another immediately. We have a dozenish members at levels 70+.
    We can take 15 new members. I cant boot my guildies to fit new ones, that wouldn't be fair.
    If you are looking for someone to merge into you, you need to give them a reason to.

    How many members do you have, and what tier raids are you completing? How often?
    What are the objections of merging into a guild vs being merged into? Why would another small guild merge with yours, is there a benefit?
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Free crystals!
    Pizza parties!
    Gl**y holes!
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    Recruit and organize your guild via Line and these forums. Stay social and talkative. Don't just have whales and dolphins. Give advice to new players frequently and keep em interested.
  • Czert
    205 posts Member
    Teague wrote: »
    Kick out everyone who isn't active until you get 50/50 active members.



    Such great advice.

    Well but working one. In my guild we originaly have around 6 active and 30 sleepers, so we kicked out all sleepers and after 2 months we have now 30 very active players and rest is mixed of sometimes active and sleepers. We kick out sleepers regulary, so in some time your guild will be mix of full active and sometimes active.
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