What is the game?

245 posts Member
I do arena so I can get crystals to farm cantina to get characters to play in the game, and farm lsds so I can gear those characters. I do gw to get credits so I can level up those characters to play on the game. I participate in raids to acquire more gear for characters that are going to be played in the game. But, what is the game? Is it here yet or coming soon?


  • Options
    The battles are the game. Each battle. Every battle. That's the game. When you've aced all the LS/DS/Cantina battles, the only battles left that are a challenge are Arena, Raid, and GW. Hope you like battles. Collecting stuff is also the game, but that's more of a support function.
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    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Hopefully, ships will be "The Game".

    Currently, Arena is "The Game".

    Good point, though.
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    The game is about collecting and upgrading characters while having fun doing battles.
    "Consider that a divorce"
    - Douglas Quaid
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