Useless Toons because of failed A.I.

22 posts Member
edited June 2016
I understand the reasoning of releasing new toons on a regular basis, but why a lot of toons with great potential are rendered useless with A.I. script that bad:

- Ventress who try to dispel Rey foresight with a Dooku's lead and give offense up to all the ennemies or who prefers try to dispel an undispellable buff (Savage, Chewie,...) than killing 2 ennemies in the red with her AOE, ...
- Qui Gon Jin who uses Humbling Blow to removes Rey's Foresight with a Dooku's Lead and give her offense up, ...
- Mace Windu a master duelist who failed to hit the exposed target every single time (except when there is no one else) ...
- Teebo who uses Bring Low on a target with no buff or taunt, ...
- Old Daka who uses her Chant of Resurrection as soon as an allied toon is defeated regardless of the heal of her teammate, wasting a futur heal, ...
- Ahsoka who uses her Protective Manuever right away, wasting futur heal and potential finisher on a target with less than 50% heal, ...
- Talia who always try to killing herself, using Water of Life regardless of her health, ...
- Ackbar who use his Tactical Genius when all the Special Abilties are on cooldown, ...
- Grand Master Yoda who sometimes uses his Masterstoke right away with no positive status effect on the opposing team, ...

Honorable mention to healers (Bariss excepted) who tries everytime to heal an injured target with healing immunity or tank who waste their taunt cooldown using it with a buff immunity above their head.

We need either all those failed script corrected or a way to make the script on our own like in Dragon Age.


  • JbizzyG
    304 posts Member
    Bad AI certainly makes some characters less threatening when fight them that's for sure.

    I think Mace is a powerful character, but the AI never attacks the exposed toon, so I usually can ignore him.
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    Yeah...that needs to be fixed
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    Once upon a time an enemy Mace actually attacked my exposed hero.

    It was crazy. He actually did damage!
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    and the minute all those are fixed - people will complain that the AI is too hard and it needs a nerf
  • Stuwart
    137 posts Member
    I feel like they changed the AIs a bit and I've noticed the opposing team always going after Rey if I chose to have her in. Anyone else notice that?

    I feel you on Yoda, he's one of my favorites to use on offense but he's an **** on AI. He always gives his squad just tenacity because he uses it right off the bat
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    I actually don't mind how Daka uses her heal, since I value the possible resurrection more than whatever healing she might deal. As for Yoda, I wish he would always start the fight with battle meditation, since there is a good chance the enemy has Old Ben or RG and sometimes others.
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    Great post!
    You forgive that Ackbar use "it's a trap" when nobody have red icon.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    AI isnt as horrible as it used to be...

    At least it knows how to focus a little.
  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    Very good post ! Some of those toons are so dumb in defense it hurts my brain !
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    However, I doubt they are fixed anytime soon. They are all farmable, not premium toons.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Worst AI's I can think of:

    Any character with a bomb
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    B2 has given me chuckles. The AI will use buff specials with immunity on. Its good fun watching a ST Han taunt with buff immunity
  • DrakeIX
    6 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    There is also a problem with the AOE users like Lando or 88, when an enemy is taunting they never use their skill, and this thing makes them pretty useless when your opponent has a RG or a ST Han (almost everyone)
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    From what I have observed, it appears that there is no logical AI scripting at all aside from : if Special Ability is available - use it. Choosing targets appears mostly random since opponents with health in the red are consistently ignored.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    From what I have observed, it appears that there is no logical AI scripting at all aside from : if Special Ability is available - use it. Choosing targets appears mostly random since opponents with health in the red are consistently ignored.

    There are a few characters with significantly better AI that the rest. QGJ for example only uses his dispel on a valid target (well, he still derps on foresight but oh well) while Teebo and Ventress will blow their dispels with wanton abandon.

    A Final Fantasy XII / Dragon Age style gambit system to set up our own if/and/or statements for each character would be amaaazing. Also a ton of work so unlikely any time soon if ever.

    If at least [2 allies] or [Rey, QGJ] < [60%] HP use [Master Healer's Belssing]
    If at least [3 enemies] have [buffs] or [1 enemy] has [taunt] use [Strike Fear]

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    Teague wrote: »
    Worst AI's I can think of:

    Any character with a bomb

    Vader's AI is fine, but I 100% agree on the rest.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    Vader's AI is fine, but I 100% agree on the rest.[/quote]

    Vader would be better if he didn't saber throw when there's no dots in place.
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    Chewy is pretty bad. He taunts when there is one enemy left on red, and all allies at full heath.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Vader = Culling Blade THEN Force Crush?

    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Serioisly, today in gw, Mace put an expose on Rey and actually hit her. Exposed. I was amazed.
  • Tifer
    130 posts Member
    Ventress is the worst AI. I feel unbeatable with her as my lead in arena.

    On defense with her, I drop like a lead balloon.
  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    So many problems with this game even after 6 months
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Tifer wrote: »
    Ventress is the worst AI. I feel unbeatable with her as my lead in arena.

    On defense with her, I drop like a lead balloon.

    Thats why I wish they would allow us to create a separate defense team. Dungeon Boss has this feature and it helps a lot. At least we would be able to assemble a team that could adequately compensate for stoopid AI. Probably the only solution would be to use lots of tanky assist toons that don't require much decision making. They just shoot a lot and take lots of damage.

    (amazing, the censor does not permit the word ****. I suppose I should try to be more erudite and use the term 'unintelligent'.)

    F**K! I hate political correctness.
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    Teague wrote: »
    Worst AI's I can think of:

    Any character with a bomb

    Vader's AI is fine, but I 100% agree on the rest.

    No it really isn't.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Ascansio
    270 posts Member
    Best thread of June.

    There are lots of issues to be fixed with some toons who have more than 2 skills. Asajj and Yoda are nice examples. Most of their specials are used on incorrect times.

    And I remember a dev stating that,

    "if we improve the AI too much, then players will just play all the time with automatic mode and quit the manuel directing, which is not something we want."
    Team Instinct - #1 PvP Powerhouse, dedicated with the strongest compassion to dominate.
  • Boba_The_Fetter
    3393 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Chewy is pretty bad. He taunts when there is one enemy left on red, and all allies at full heath.

    Chewie should be able to give himself speed down
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    I seriously laugh when I do the "tank only" challenge on auto and watch as anyone with taunt, taunts and self buff the second round... It's hilarious.
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    Also cad bane is still bugged after 7 months.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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