Galactic chore is not fun

252 posts Member
Well I've spent my energy, done arena battles, done my dailies, and completed the challenges. So now all that's left to do is that extremely difficult (sometimes impossible) and time consuming galactic war. Do I need credits badly enough to spend hours on the last 4 nodes?
I'm really not sure anymore.


  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    HunterXJD wrote: »
    Well I've spent my energy, done arena battles, done my dailies, and completed the challenges. So now all that's left to do is that extremely difficult (sometimes impossible) and time consuming galactic war. Do I need credits badly enough to spend hours on the last 4 nodes?
    I'm really not sure anymore.

    Expect more of the same. However, mod post:

    What’s being discussed?
    The development team is working very hard more brand new content for all of you, but they are also working on addressing some concerns that have been in the community.
    Galactic War – the team is aware that there are still a large number of players that don’t enjoy Galactic War. They are working on ways to make the mode a little less frustrating and not take quite as long to complete.
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    I know the pain bro
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    lol spending hours on 4 nodes. Those credits aren't worth the frustration imo.

    All we can do is hope the devs finally address the issues that were supposed to be addressed last week and come up with something reasonable.
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    It's abysmal. I love all the arena players rank 200 telling the rest of us to stop whining. Must be nice completing it with the same 5 jedi they used to get Yoda.
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    The biggest problem is that most don't have a deep enough bench to get through it, that & the fact that most throw their best team forward first from node 1.

    Do yourselves a favour, get a node 1-6 team, then get a node 7-12 team (your A team). By doing this GW turns into less of a chore & more of a challenge.

    My B team (1-6)
    Ventress (L)

    My A team
    Lumi (L)

    I completed 2 GWs this morning within 1 hour before I had to go to work to make a RL living. *gasp*
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The biggest problem is that most don't have a deep enough bench to get through it, that & the fact that most throw their best team forward first from node 1.

    Do yourselves a favour, get a node 1-6 team, then get a node 7-12 team (your A team). By doing this GW turns into less of a chore & more of a challenge.

    My B team (1-6)
    Ventress (L)

    My A team
    Lumi (L)

    I completed 2 GWs this morning within 1 hour before I had to go to work to make a RL living. *gasp*

    The depth of the bench isn't the problem. The problem is if they're not geared high enough they can't compete with g10/11 arena teams in the GW, and unless you precrafted like mad or guild hop chances are 90% of your bench is G8 or below.
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    The biggest problem is that most don't have a deep enough bench to get through it, that & the fact that most throw their best team forward first from node 1.

    Do yourselves a favour, get a node 1-6 team, then get a node 7-12 team (your A team). By doing this GW turns into less of a chore & more of a challenge.

    My B team (1-6)
    Ventress (L)

    My A team
    Lumi (L)

    I completed 2 GWs this morning within 1 hour before I had to go to work to make a RL living. *gasp*

    The depth of the bench isn't the problem. The problem is if they're not geared high enough they can't compete with g10/11 arena teams in the GW, and unless you precrafted like mad or guild hop chances are 90% of your bench is G8 or below.

    I'm nothing but a f2p (I donated money to the Ewok event knowing it won't go to EA/CG) & if you don't have a deep bench, give it time... Rome wasn't built in a day.

    I too have experienced troubles with GW. I too have at some point complained about how hard it was... WAS! After taking the time to build a deeper bench & also struggling with the credit crunch (I only have 5 Heros at lvl80), I've looked into different combinations of Heros to make the game fun for me & less grinding, especially when it comes to GW.

    The problem isn't how long it took me to get to this "easy" stage of GW. It's that if I didn't take the time to find different combinations of Heros I would be stuck in the same strut most are in. Sadly, my brain in wired to ask questions, why am I not making progress? Why am I not as good as others? What can I do to make myself better? When is the right time to use this team? Why must I use this team?

    This is the junk running through my head when doing GW & I feel I've finally found a way to get through it with less stress on myself & still keeping the challenge there. I'm not saying that I don't have to adjust on the fly with a strong team on node 3, but it's what I do. It's all in the way you play the game. Are you going to complain that you have to throw in your A team in node 3? No? You do what needs to be done & go to node 4 with your B team again & say, if they mess me up, we try a new combination.

    Yet the impression I'm getting is that people expect to use their A team from beginning to end... Which is not the case. You have to play with different combinations to expect to get further. Not be monotone, but progressive.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    The biggest problem is that most don't have a deep enough bench to get through it, that & the fact that most throw their best team forward first from node 1.

    Do yourselves a favour, get a node 1-6 team, then get a node 7-12 team (your A team). By doing this GW turns into less of a chore & more of a challenge.

    My B team (1-6)
    Ventress (L)

    My A team
    Lumi (L)

    I completed 2 GWs this morning within 1 hour before I had to go to work to make a RL living. *gasp*

    The depth of the bench isn't the problem. The problem is if they're not geared high enough they can't compete with g10/11 arena teams in the GW, and unless you precrafted like mad or guild hop chances are 90% of your bench is G8 or below.

    I'm nothing but a f2p (I donated money to the Ewok event knowing it won't go to EA/CG) & if you don't have a deep bench, give it time... Rome wasn't built in a day.

    I too have experienced troubles with GW. I too have at some point complained about how hard it was... WAS! After taking the time to build a deeper bench & also struggling with the credit crunch (I only have 5 Heros at lvl80), I've looked into different combinations of Heros to make the game fun for me & less grinding, especially when it comes to GW.

    The problem isn't how long it took me to get to this "easy" stage of GW. It's that if I didn't take the time to find different combinations of Heros I would be stuck in the same strut most are in. Sadly, my brain in wired to ask questions, why am I not making progress? Why am I not as good as others? What can I do to make myself better? When is the right time to use this team? Why must I use this team?

    This is the junk running through my head when doing GW & I feel I've finally found a way to get through it with less stress on myself & still keeping the challenge there. I'm not saying that I don't have to adjust on the fly with a strong team on node 3, but it's what I do. It's all in the way you play the game. Are you going to complain that you have to throw in your A team in node 3? No? You do what needs to be done & go to node 4 with your B team again & say, if they mess me up, we try a new combination.

    Yet the impression I'm getting is that people expect to use their A team from beginning to end... Which is not the case. You have to play with different combinations to expect to get further. Not be monotone, but progressive.

    The problem now is people who've been beating it regularly with either a single team or a deep bench are having problems after their arena power went high enough. We're running into teams that are hard enough to beat in the arena half way through, and that deep bench means nothing if they're not above gear 8.

    I tried. I lost my A team around node 10. My B team, all gear 8 and one gear 9, couldn't touch that team since it was so highly geared. It's a major issue right now that's supposed to be addressed. It's hard enough to get raid gear just for our A teams. We can't be expected to get it for all the toons we need for the GW any time in the near future and the GW is our main source of credits.
  • ThewhiteonE
    658 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Look, I'm not taking away from the fact there might very well be a problem with the team match ups in some instances. What I am taking offense with is that you get some folks that jump on the bandwagon with their "I can't beat GW with my 1 team that I use everywhere else" Cow doodles.

    I personally haven't run into this problem but just because I haven't run into the problem, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

    I'm simply trying to give another alternative to a simple problem others might be experiencing.

    It's just that I see so many folks crying about something a few might be experiencing but because they're a tad bit 'Osmium' to think, they jump the bandwagon & ride the wave.
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    Fight a couple of teams of g10 and g11 one right after the other, and you will see that it does not matter how many level 80 gear8 teams you have. You can try different combinations and throw them all at a high gear team you make a very small dent. Couple that with multiple high gear teams one faces, and GW now becomes impossible.
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    Oh dang. I can tell you this: whatever squad I send in, most of them won't be coming back. At least RG isn't 7*. On the other hand, I can look forward to two more nodes like this ... oy.
  • ThewhiteonE
    658 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Fight a couple of teams of g10 and g11 one right after the other, and you will see that it does not matter how many level 80 gear8 teams you have. You can try different combinations and throw them all at a high gear team you make a very small dent. Couple that with multiple high gear teams one faces, and GW now becomes impossible.

    I don't know if you've been reading my comments but I too have experienced g9 & 10 on node 3 before & have overcome the difficulty. It's 1 node... & at the end of it (node9 - 12) I too have had to go against Dooku (L), fives, Rey, GS & STH teams. Today as example I went through the 2 teams, 1 after another with teams like above all g8-11. It's all up to how & when you use certain Heros. I still did a full 36 GW run for a max GW guild contribution.

    But like I said, just because I had a good RNG run doesn't mean others did...

    Edit: corrected to g8-11
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    Oh dang. I can tell you this: whatever squad I send in, most of them won't be coming back. At least RG isn't 7*. On the other hand, I can look forward to two more nodes like this ... oy.

    The problem there isn't the team you face but the broken old Ben. I see that toon & know I'm going to struggle my gluteus maximus off. Most often to none I don't even bother attacking that team comp in arena but seeing as it's GW you wing it... With great difficulty!
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Oh dang. I can tell you this: whatever squad I send in, most of them won't be coming back. At least RG isn't 7*. On the other hand, I can look forward to two more nodes like this ... oy.

    Yep and that's not even the worst I've seen on node 10. So, you send in your A team just like it's an arena match, lose some of them in all likelihood, then what?

    I'm not sure why more people aren't understanding the situation.
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Oh dang. I can tell you this: whatever squad I send in, most of them won't be coming back. At least RG isn't 7*. On the other hand, I can look forward to two more nodes like this ... oy.

    Yep and that's not even the worst I've seen on node 10. So, you send in your A team just like it's an arena match, lose some of them in all likelihood, then what?

    I'm not sure why more people aren't understanding the situation.

    You're making it out to be a GW problem when it's a toon problem.
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  • Options
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Oh dang. I can tell you this: whatever squad I send in, most of them won't be coming back. At least RG isn't 7*. On the other hand, I can look forward to two more nodes like this ... oy.

    Yep and that's not even the worst I've seen on node 10. So, you send in your A team just like it's an arena match, lose some of them in all likelihood, then what?

    I'm not sure why more people aren't understanding the situation.

    You're making it out to be a GW problem when it's a toon problem.

    While its arguably a toon problem, its still a problem in the design of the GW, since it enables the constellation of facing many fights like this in a row. Phasma-assist teams, ackbar rebel teams and dooku lead instead of Ben are rougly equally challenging.
    The Problem is that the need of having a good 5-man arena team and needing a deep bench for Galactic war (and raids) are contradictory, leading to frustration on the player side. Something like better daily credit rewards to level more characters could help and or some kind of stopping mechanism for facing multiple top arena teams in a row.
  • Options
    Oh dang. I can tell you this: whatever squad I send in, most of them won't be coming back. At least RG isn't 7*. On the other hand, I can look forward to two more nodes like this ... oy.

    The problem there isn't the team you face but the broken old Ben. I see that toon & know I'm going to struggle my gluteus maximus off. Most often to none I don't even bother attacking that team comp in arena but seeing as it's GW you wing it... With great difficulty!

    Ben isn't broken. Whatever, I'm sending in the First Order goons, but I don't expect them to return. They're all stuck behind the gear wall. What's the strategy here? Target Rey first I guess but then Han and RG ... I'm going to bring Ventress to see what happens.
  • ThewhiteonE
    658 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    True but false. You're still shifting the blame to a certain aspect of the game instead of pointing fingers at the culprit.

    The problem isn't the mini game of GW, it's the toons you have the misfortune of facing & in this case it's old Ben & his **** TM gain on dodge. In which I would say dodge might be to blame or to further that RNG.

    As I've mentioned in so many other threads, RNG will be the down fall of this game... Or let's rather say that the coding in itself is flawed when it comes to RNG. They simply need to add better parameters in which to guide RNG making it less random but still a feel of random. If you understand where it is I'm coming from!? @Serenthor
  • vilvlugt
    76 posts Member
    I read a guide on GW here or elsewhere and did in fact win all GWs since.
    The main tip was: endurance.
    The point the guide made was simple but it changed my thoughts on GW forever:
    Use 3 healers and then take whoever you want to complete the team.
    Essentially this is my B-team but takes me very far, and I learned to tweak that said endurance tip a bit: eventually you'll hit a wall and team b just won't cut it. Solution: ig88 ig86, gs and whoever you have in your roster to kill the chars that wipe out your healers and who are not part of your A-team.
    Usually the droids will die or barely make it but you can take out the rest with team b with close to no effort.
    I usually pick my a-team for the showdown, since I don't want to retreat too much and save time.

    B-team: lumi (l) 7*, daka 4*, asaji 7*, jc 4*, rg 4*
    earns second lilac chest with a lil bit of retreating
    Droids: both igs 7*, gs 3*, sidious, wookie 4*
    most of the time used in some fight leading to chest 3
    A-team: phasma, 5s, asaji, kylo, vader 4*

    It goes w/o saying that i do f2p and invested way too less funds into supporting toons and invested all into attack toons a fault I fancy a lot of us whale-bashing slugs choose. As my gw game improved so did my raid-performance and overall fun with this game.

    Long story short gw is about roster deepness, but it is all about healing and stuning, and above all: a fundamental joy in analyzing simple systems and memorizing processes. It is amazing how a simple change in one action leads to a revive and leaves you with 5 100% toons when you were left with 2 barely alive ones one retreat ago.

    This is the fun gw brings about for me and if you hate retreating and strategy don't ruin it for those who don't with your constant demand of tweaking all modes of swgoh to your needs.
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    9r33d0 wrote: »
    It's abysmal. I love all the arena players rank 200 telling the rest of us to stop whining. Must be nice completing it with the same 5 jedi they used to get Yoda.

    Seriously. These people just have no clue whatsoever, I would be embarrassed to post what they've posted considering how uninformed they all sound.
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    The biggest problem is that most don't have a deep enough bench to get through it, that & the fact that most throw their best team forward first from node 1.

    Do yourselves a favour, get a node 1-6 team, then get a node 7-12 team (your A team). By doing this GW turns into less of a chore & more of a challenge.

    My B team (1-6)
    Ventress (L)

    My A team
    Lumi (L)

    I completed 2 GWs this morning within 1 hour before I had to go to work to make a RL living. *gasp*

    How do you think your A team will face against 4-5 nodes of G10 RG/Rey/Dooku/Old Ben/Phasma/Fives/Rex/GS ?

    I agree about the bench not being deep enough, but many of us do not have a dozen monotonous hours each week to throw at GW to get the needed credits. And then there's the issue of gear...
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    9r33d0 wrote: »
    It's abysmal. I love all the arena players rank 200 telling the rest of us to stop whining. Must be nice completing it with the same 5 jedi they used to get Yoda.

    ^^^ This ^^^

    Made my day Thanks
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    Your bench being deep doesn't really help now. If you don't kill the team you give them an advantage over your next one.
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    BTW. I've noticed a lot of dodging when B2 has dodge down applied.
  • JJWZP5
    440 posts Member
    This is really getting insane. This week has been the hardest/longest GW for me since I started
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    To give an idea to the ones not above the 37k marker and to show what happens if you push your power too high.


    Starts about here

    Now I have 51 7* roster and alot of lesser with almost all heroes unlocked (main team Rex, 5s, Echo , Sarge and B2) and alot at 8 or 9 with main team 10 and 11.

    From this node you will only face meta onwards one after another. I can still finish 8 out 10 GWs with alot of restarting and a good hour and a half to 2 hours of restarting and testing.

    Would be ok if the rewards were better than before since i use to auto GW almost within 15.

    Tier 8 and 9 heroes will mostly scratch protection off maxed teams. So you gotta rely on your top 2 teams.

    It normally goes first 1-6 nodes i build TM on each team for the last 6 for any kind of boost. Then carefully select each team to take out one or two heroes with alot of restarts. Then you send in your main team or second to clear it up again gotta refresh for best output.

    It needs to be made shorter and easier or match the rewards to how hard the teams are you are facing. You will feel punished for bringing your arena team up too high.

    Edit: just to add so people get the idea this isn't a new problem as such but in the 70s you could bring multiple teams to max for GW. This time you can't because of raid gear brick wall so your c, d , e etc teams will just crumble.
    Post edited by Mofojokers1992 on
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    I'm actually enjoying gw now more than ever. I agree it seems more like a chore and the rewards no longer match the effort however, I am currently getting to run 7 different teams one for each of the first 7 nodes. I then rotate these teams in to finish off the last 5 nodes. I do this to give them all TM boosts so I can usually get rid of a problem toon in the node before they usually get a chance to move. I am finally able to use the bulk of my toons. I know not everyone can do this, I am just stating why I am actually enjoying gw atm.
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