Need ability mat event

202 posts Member
We currently have events that we can spend energy on to obtain training droids and credits. It would be very nice to have an ability mat event as well. It would be nice to have an event that we could spent energy on and obtain at least 1 purple ability mat since they are the much harder to achieve mats.


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    You can earn up to 45 purple mats per week using the challenges. So no.
  • brett94
    386 posts Member
    You can earn up to 45 purple mats per week using the challenges. So no.

    Plus cantina
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    You can earn up to 45 purple mats per week using the challenges. So no.

    And also what you can get from GW. Normally get enough purple mats from GW for one upgrade.
  • Youthv2
    270 posts Member
    No! To initial poster.
    I agree the drop rates on materials while farming LS/DS blows, but it is prolonging the shelf life of this game significantly.

    ~Y O U T H v2
    Guild: Paradigm of Virtue (PoV)
    Line: GohYouth
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    YES! And I'll do you one better. 45 mats in one week... Never, doesn't happen. Last week I received 18 purple mats in total from all sources. That wasn't even enough to take one toon from 6's to 7's on all abilities, it did one special to 7 and I'm waiting for more. As it sits right now I have 465 green mk1, 2 blue mk2, and 1 purple mk3. Cantina drops mats, seems like rarely anymore. All week the only mats it was dropping was green mk1's. GW drops mats, this is true, I get about 3 or 4 blue mk2s every day, so it doesn't help. However, last week I didn't get a single purple mat from GW, almost all greens.

    Once raids were introduced we are now expected to grow our inventory too large to keep up. Maybe the current system was fine for level 70 P2P without guilds but even as a dolphin I can't keep up. So I'm 100% with @soneill73 and have no idea what the rest of you are talking about. He didn't say give me 10 purple mats a day, they give us an omega mat every day so why should it be any different for everything else. My only remark to the original post is that we need blue and purple mats in an event, so they why not just have an event that awards all three. If it's really such a big deal with game pacing, which there is absolutely no way it would be... make the event weekly instead of daily.

    Think before responding. Holding players back on progress doesn't prolong a game, it just frustrates players. If it isn't ability mats, it's going to be lack of credits at higher levels, or the even worse raid only gear that never seems to drop. Seriously they same people who ask to have a shop so they can buy things like ability mats are now saying that we shouldn't have an event. Just wow, the hypocrisy!
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    @redleader73 Dont gear up all your heroes at the same time. I have over 1000 blue mats and 100 purples. If you really want to you can buy them from arena and cantina shipments.
    Oh and don't run the lower energy nodes from cantina, the purple mats drop more often from the higher energy nodes.
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    @Pindasauskanon thanks for the tips. I usually only choose nodes from cantina depending on what I'm farming, so at least I'm getting something. I had just finished Old Ben on 6-B and I was getting shards for Ben way more often than any ability mats. Also, I'm only working on 2 toons abilities right now and I'm still struggling after nearly 3 weeks. It is always blue or purple mats, and I don't touch my lower toons until they move into an upgrade status. The frustration I have is that so many more need updating that I need to move on to but can't. I'm lucky enough that my arena team and main raiding teams are mostly upgraded but yet they could use more, I just find myself stopping at ability 6 so I can effect the greater good. Of course RNG plays a huge factor in these rewards. My guild mates and I are mostly the same on ability mats. It seems like most of us are struggling to get the mats we need and the rest spend money constantly on this game and are doing ok. I suppose that's fine that spenders have the ability to move faster in this game, but it doesn't make sense that someone who spends once a month is constantly spinning his wheels in the mud. My opinion is that everyone that I talk to on my guild in Discord (minus a few lucky B's) are having the same issue. It seems like it's a much larger issue and no one wants to admit it.
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