Force Champion Event changing?

I read in the update that the "first" of this event will be Aayla, does that mean for sure the event will change every day to offer different character shards? Or is it only going to change the enemies faced within this event?


  • Options
    Just so everyone knows off rip, I'm really enjoying this new event!
  • Options
    I'd like to know as well, but the timer lasts for a week. I think next week they will feature another character, maybe another chromium exclusive like Kit, or maybe Anakin, as he is getting a rework.
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    there was a discussion involving a dev on reddit that said the next event would be Kit Fisto, with Mace after that (from datamined information).
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Great they need to fix them tho...
  • Options
    So it'll be changing weekly, as opposed to daily? 7 days of Aayla followed by 7 days of whoever comes next?
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