Guild Wars coming I bet! Similar to Clash of Clan style

Inside the guild page, there are 3 blank things which can potentially be guild wars. I'm willing to bet it will be very similar to Clash of Clan style where guild members will have to go against similar level or power...what ya guys think


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    Hopefully this happens. The Arena and Raid Leaderboard are whatever achievements.
    Team iNstinct --
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    I was thinking the same. The 3 star system in place is perfect for a similiar game system.
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    Guild wars becoming guilt woes!
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    Can someone explain this? Not familiar with Clash of Clans. Thanks.
  • Jaden
    162 posts Member
    Can someone explain this? Not familiar with Clash of Clans. Thanks.

    Guild vs guild battles. Players have recommended targets based on their power level. Compete for stars. Guild with the most stars wins the war.
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    I can see the matchmaking complaints already. I hope this is still far off.
  • Kane13
    256 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    I can see the matchmaking complaints already. I hope this is still far off.

    People complain in the forums? I haven't seen any whining or complaints (sarcasm)
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    I can see the matchmaking complaints already. I hope this is still far off.

    I can see
    Guild hopping
    P2p vs f2p

    And all kinds of worms comming out of this can lol.

  • MrJx3
    257 posts Member
    I've been asking for this also, even made a topic about it. As long as the matchmaking is good it should be really fun. I imagine the rewards being a ton of credits and guild currency, with the same reward system as clash.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    I can see the matchmaking complaints already. I hope this is still far off.

    there are always going to be complaints. The matchmaking in clash of clans has been re-balanced a couple times, its never perfect, but its at a very acceptable level now. Mismatches will occur on both sides, easy wins, losses without a real chance. It all evens out.
    You can also expect there to be a method of working the system that benefits guilds during guild wars, there will always be something like that at some point.
    but, it will most likely be a great addition to the game, even with some initial and/or permanent flaws.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Sure ok if they do it right...
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    Sure there will be complaints or constructive criticism (since people can't seem to tell the difference)... that said... I rather at least have this type of feature... than NOT.

  • mel
    127 posts Member
    What would stop Big Guild from battling Big Guild (alt sister guild) for just mining guild wars for gear?
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    Do you think they will another type of currency if guild war happens?

    arena tokens
    galaxy war tokens
    guild raid tokens
    cantina tokens

    They're probably add it to guild raid tokens imo too saturated
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    mel wrote: »
    What would stop Big Guild from battling Big Guild (alt sister guild) for just mining guild wars for gear?

    Honor, integrity, gamesmanship, sense of fairplay!

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