New event...anyone else having troubles?

Is this a joke? The rewards for the tier 3 says 2m credits and up to 21 or 24 shards for each jedi character. Ive payed crystals to refresh it a few tims and have only gotten 70k credits and 2 shards. I finished with 4 toons in full health


  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    The UI is intentionally misleading so you spend crystals on refreshes 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    They should refund everyone that was mislead then...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Um yeah
  • MLGebra
    343 posts Member
    Yeah the possible rewards are basically bold faced lies.
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    I dont think i dare spend 100 more crystals for a refresh...
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    At least You can finish any Tier - if I try, the app crashes after the second fight in ANY tier. :/
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    hmm, let's just keep making threads about this. But I'll make it easy. No, you don't get 2 million credits for refreshing.
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    2 million for full refreshes for 6 days maybe? Anyway, someone on my guild did get a 500,000k payout on one. Just like a slot machine i guess.
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    I got a 608k just now. I now need to spend 150 crystals to refresh. How many more crystals could they possibly need from me
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    Ive spent 575 crystals now and have not gotten any of the rewards displayed on the screen. The text for the event was edited just before my last refresh for 150 crystals. My 150 crystal refresh gave me 20k credits and 2 jedi consular shards.. Just seems kind of bogus :/@EA_Jesse are we to expect no compensation for those of us who were mislead before the
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    Text was updated
  • Mihai29
    592 posts Member
    I just got my reset and on t3 i got 29k credits
    29k not 290k!!!!
    Lame event as per usual
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    Yep, refresh is worthless. Just another lame EA event trying to suck the crystals off you. Get it together EA and actually DO something for the players.
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
    No words can express what's going on in this thread. Go read any of the countless others that explain what's going on.

    Or better yet start another thread complaining about how you got fleeced on a mobile app.
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