Jedi who taunts.....

I've been kinda hoping for this for a long time but haven't seen much result..... a jedi who can taunt. It would be extremely nice if there were a taunting character that could benefit from the jedi synergies that are out there.

My thoughts.... Since they are reworking anakin, I think it would be cool if his passive was if an ally drops below 50% health, taunt and gain retribution.... ya know something along those lines.... they probably have abilities and the whole rework already ready to go and they are just waiting to release it, but it certainly would be cool.


  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    A jedi who taunts lacks humility...

    Jokes aside, Anakin rework WOULD be a very good time to add a jedi tank. He certainly isn't an attacker!
  • daddydanks
    96 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Toukai wrote: »
    A jedi who taunts lacks humility...

    Jokes aside, Anakin rework WOULD be a very good time to add a jedi tank. He certainly isn't an attacker!

    OOOORRR... What if anakin switch roles with his passive, and when he taunts he then gains 100% max health, while still maintaining somewhat of a DPS role. this would make him targeted first rather than later becuase of having a massive health up boost. it could be something that, for every ally that ends up dying, anakin gains max health. if he had a counter too, it would make him a force to be reckoned with!
  • Options
    Should just give the jedi knight guardian a taunt and make her viable like they did to the royal guard. She is in desperate need of a rework
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Should just give the jedi knight guardian a taunt and make her viable like they did to the royal guard. She is in desperate need of a rework

    I have always found it odd that she DIDN'T have a taunt. Guardian is in her name!
  • Options
    Toukai wrote: »
    Should just give the jedi knight guardian a taunt and make her viable like they did to the royal guard. She is in desperate need of a rework

    I have always found it odd that she DIDN'T have a taunt. Guardian is in her name!

  • Options
    Should just give the jedi knight guardian a taunt and make her viable like they did to the royal guard. She is in desperate need of a rework

    I would agree with ya there
  • Options
    Give plo koon a taunt - or do a retaliate; if another ally is attacked they will retaliate dealing 75% of original attacks damage
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I'd love to see Guardian get a taunt. It could be called "humble sacrifice" or some nod to basically taking a beating for the team.

    Also, I hope the rework of Anakin makes him a creative alternative to a tank. If a team mate dies he gets 100% TM and a buff on his attack currently, but he hits so weakly it's a joke. Give him decent but still below average DPS on his basic (that's fair with his high health), but then a BIG boost if a team mate dies (or better yet just drops below 50% health). Make it so big that you have to consider it. You can either take him out first, or stun him, or have your own taunt tank to catch the hit. It can be dealt with. But the point is he is a high health toon that you have to go thru to hit the glass cannons. If you choose to ignore him, he'll take a chunk out of you. I think that was the intention with his ability, but his DPS is just too low right now for it to work.
    Post edited by JRA on
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Probably not changing Anakin to a Tank.
  • Options
    JKG should be the one to fill that role. She doesn't provide anybody a reason to attack her anytime but last
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I would support giving JKG a taunt.
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    Should release a new toon, possibly Saesee Tiin, give him a taunt and make him tanky.
    That would be awesome to see :)
  • Options
    Old Ben with a taunt...Please
  • DoubleN
    50 posts Member
    They should add someone like Ki Adi Mundi as a Tank
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