ME + 3 ACTIVE friends looking for T5 guild

Like the title said, some friends and I are all active, level 70+, and looking for a guild who does consistent tier 5 raids.

Comment names of guild/ally codes and we'll check it out



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    My guild is doing tier 5 raid regularly and we are intending to try tier 6 soon

    Add me there: 545-428-179
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    834-824-184 is my ally code, my guild is calles galaxy cartel, you can all join we have 34 members all active and at great levels most are level 80 and were doing back to back raid tier 5 join me
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    This may not be what you are looking for, but my guild consists mainly of me (level 80, >25 toons 5*). We do have 5 others, but they are low level. If you join, you would be guaranteed top five in the ranks. Join a guild with 30+ members and you probably won't. You'd get more personal coins to spend in the guild store in a larger guild.
    If you're interested, reply
  • Shapelesscrabb
    159 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Burn through tier 5s in 0-1 refreshes
    Occasional tier 6s. Slowly working our way up. Guild is consistently 45+ members.
    Ally code is 571-585-734
    PM me if other options don't pan out. We would love to have you guys
  • Options
    Our Only Hope is also recruiting. We do t5 in slightly less time than we can earn the coin to start another. Currently over halfway through a t6 that will keep us busy long enough to fill the bank and do t5 raids pretty much nonstop for a while. We have room for all four of you, if you'd like to join us. My IGN is Balanced Force, and you can ally me at 134-184-928.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    This belongs in the guilds section.

    My guild requires an interview.

    PM me if interested.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    Like the title said, some friends and I are all active, level 70+, and looking for a guild who does consistent tier 5 raids.

    Comment names of guild/ally codes and we'll check it out


    We run T 5 all the time. We have 40 members that are active daily. Let me know if interested.
    My ally code is 255-889-628
    I'm an officer in my guild
  • Darth_Nihilus
    97 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Please Edit The Category, this belongs in the Guild Section Not General Discussion.
  • Options
    Please Edit The Category, this belongs in the Guild Section Not General Discussion.

    How? My phone cuts off the top of the page, where I think the option is. I forgot about that section though so my apologies. Won't do it again
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