Where Should I be?

Hello I'm making this post to try and figure out where should I be raid wise, Im level 80, playing since early december. In pvp i sit between 100-200, my team power is 31,604 my team is Sid 80 (lead) savage 78 lumi 80 phasma 80 and qgj 78. My roster is

ig 88 7* lvl 80
ig 86 7* lvl 62
Jc 7* lvl 73
Count Dooku 7* lvl 70
Kylo 5* lvl 71
hk-47 5* lvl 65
Darth Vader 5* lvl 70
Anakin 4* lvl 75
5's 4* lvl 63
FOST 4* lvl 65
Rey 4* lvl 68
Boba Fett 4* lvl 61
Poggle 5* lvl 53
GG 4* lvl 70
Plo Koon 4* lvl 53
IGD 4* lvl 54
Ahsoka 4* lvl 54
Rex 4* lvl 59

I want to know what raid is best for me, at this point most of my toons are all gear 8, except for savage which is g 9 almost g 10.
Also if there is a guild that needs help, and thinks id be a great addition to there guild message me!


  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    You need a Guild that can give you proper guidance with your squads. I would Invite you to our guild but sadly our 3 guilds are full
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    BTW find a Squad that does T7 raids the rewards are much greater
  • Options
    I know, but unfortunately i only have 9, 7* not 10. :(
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    That doesn't really matter teams that do T7 beat it way too easy
    For example my guild only does 1 attack each till all 50 attack and them we finish off whats left of the rancor. One full team will get you on the leader board
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Hey @Timitock or its @ItsJarJarBinkz can you guys help the guy out?? I know you aren't T7 yet but could probably give him a home lol
  • Options
    It'd be greatly appreciated! Plus im active daily, and do all challenges.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Without also know their gear level, with that small a selection, t5 or t6 (pushing it).

    You also dont have a decent raid team. Piggies in p1 usually go down to Phasma, Rey, GQ, QGJ, Ackbar (or other debuff dispeller).

    Teebo is also acceptable for TM reduction, along with 5s for slow (who drops off later due to low potency). RG is also an acceptable replacement to 5s.

    Without this, your BEST damage is going to come from the door panel phases. You'll more than likely get only one good run with your lineup, and could probably push out about 100-200k (maybe more if you're good on RNG). After that, youll kind of have to throw in the lower toons as 30k damage fodder, if they even live that long.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    To echo what Big_Boss said, if you find a guild who does something very similar (mine is similar and full) you'll probably be good for a little while with two teams or you can try to escape one or two toons for the second attack. While it's true you at least get more rewards the higher you rank in the raids, the only time I've gotten fully crafted raid I was in the 30's. You get more credits and coins the higher you rank, though. Any reward in t7 is good.

    Try to find an established guild who is rounding out their numbers just to make their guild bank coins. It's a win/win for you and the guild if you get your 600 daily. They get to do raids a little more often and you get better
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Also, to add to my statement and everyone else:
    If you can find a t7 looking for just coin bodies, go for it. worth it 100% just to tap the rancor for 1 damage and get t7 rewards than muck around at the lower tiers. If you want to actually contribute, t5 and lower is pretty easy.

    I am a pure f2p and while I have about 17 7*'s, I only have two real good teams and pull about 300k per team in t7 (door phase). After that, the rest of my 7*'s all just die 1st turn to the rancor because I dont have the credits to gear everyone :(
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Also, to add to my statement and everyone else:
    If you can find a t7 looking for just coin bodies, go for it. worth it 100% just to tap the rancor for 1 damage and get t7 rewards than muck around at the lower tiers. If you want to actually contribute, t5 and lower is pretty easy.

    I am a pure f2p and while I have about 17 7*'s, I only have two real good teams and pull about 300k per team in t7 (door phase). After that, the rest of my 7*'s all just die 1st turn to the rancor because I dont have the credits to gear everyone :(

    This exactly
    This is what I tried to say but @Toukai said it better
    BTW @Toukai you mind If I PM you to get q tip on how you do 300K in door phases my best is 260K in phase 2 or 3 don't remember well
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yeah, Deatwatch will take him.
    He needs Tier 5, right where we are at...
    General Grievous, I need your Ally code to friend and invite.
    Feel free to post it, but a Private Message will get my attention faster.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I got a PM, but no ally code...
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