Dailies: am I the only one?

42 posts Member
Yesterday after completing the arena daily, I was unable to collect both the completion of dailies award as well as the omega ability item (they just disappeared from the list). Today, just finished all dailies, picked up completion but omega was not even in the list. Is this common right now after the update?

And yes I'm level 80


  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I just hit 80 today....I HOPE this isn't the case. I didn't complete all of mine either...I saved the Arena daily for last.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I get my rewards...
  • Options
    I've had no problem
  • Options
    Got my rewards today.
  • Buddha
    42 posts Member
    Not the responses I was hoping for, of course. Missing out on two omegas doesn't sit well with me. If it continues then I won't be spending any more money on this game.
  • Options
    Mines been there everyday since 80 including today.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Did you scroll the list down, to make sure the Omega wasn't listed?
    Did you only turn level 80 in the last few days?
    Did you count your Omegas before and after, to verify non-delivery?
    Are you sure you did not just miss seeing it?
    Were you playing near reset time/day rollover?
    Have you contacted customer support?

    More info is required.
  • Buddha
    42 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Did you scroll the list down, to make sure the Omega wasn't listed?
    Did you only turn level 80 in the last few days?
    Did you count your Omegas before and after, to verify non-delivery?
    Are you sure you did not just miss seeing it?
    Were you playing near reset time/day rollover?
    Have you contacted customer support?

    More info is required.

    Did you scroll the list down, to make sure the Omega wasn't listed? *Yes, last daily I achieve is always the arena.

    Did you only turn level 80 in the last few days? * three days ago.. No issue first day

    Did you count your Omegas before and after, to verify non-delivery? * yes, still at three

    Are you sure you did not just miss seeing it? *100% today the daily omega award was not even listed

    Were you playing near reset time/day rollover? *both times, no. At least .5-1 hour before arena reset which is six hours before my shards reset.

    Have you contacted customer support? *next step. Didn't know if this was an issue or not.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If you are sure, then this sounds like an issue only you are encountering, and you should call my buddy Arup in customer service.
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