Aayla secura event rewards...

I've been getting only 1-2 shards per tier, and I've only got 11 Aayla shards from the whole event. Anybody else getting rewards like this?


  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    Yes, you get Aayla shards on each tier upon first completion, it gets pretty rare after that. Mostly getting 1 or 2 shards of JC or JKG. They obviously want us to refresh a lot, but this is definitely not worth it at all.

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    I got 2 yesterday and almost cried from joy.
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    Pulled 18 Aayla shards from 1st run through.

    Then did 3 refreshes on T3. Nothing worth crystal so 3 strikes yer out.

    Since then I've gotten 3 more Ayala shards from the free-rolls.

    Can't complain about the free drop-rate. Free is free, and some is better than none.

    But getting nada from crystal refresh... somebody seriously needs to "unclench".
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    I havent gotten any in days. I keep getting 1 JC shard.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Kit Fisto will be the same way.
    Learn from this.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Kit Fisto will be the same way.
    Learn from this.

    I only need 25 shards to get him and I'll probably get him before Aayla. So far, I'm 24 shards short of getting Aayla and received 1-a-day with 2 days left since the event first started.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I really hate when people say Kit is no good... he is sooo good with IGD lead and Aayla....
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    Ok good to know I'm not the only one, because I know people who got like 30+ from the event.
  • Boba_The_Fetter
    3393 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I got aayla from chromium a long time ago when i was foolish with my crystals. From the event alone ive been able to 4* her and have 2 more shards

    PS i refreshed crystals ONCE on tier 3 when the event came and got 0 aayla that time.
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    It's the old "bait and switch" routine. Fairly standard practice for freemium games; they always seem to have a caveat emptor attitude.
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    Scored 2 JC and 2 JKG. Blessed.... The day 1 shards did get my Aayla to 4*.... So oh well
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    It's a junk event. Nothing but JC shards. Just another failure when they could have given us something usefull to play.
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    Has anyone won more than a million credits on the event?
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    OP you've been lucky if you get 1-2 Aayla shards per tier. I got a few for the first completion of the event and that's it. Nothing but JKG and JC shards after that which are worth about as much as the toilet paper I just flushed.
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