How Do You Use Raids?

having a conversation within our guild last night, and we managed 2 T5s in one day, which is great, and the last T6 we did took 4 days, so now a few members want to jump to trying a T7

Now these guilders are the ones who always take the top 10 spots, and have the most 7* toons. When i suggested carrying on T5 raids for a few more weeks to allow the weaker members of the guild time to gain creds/gear etc, and hopefully level us as quickly as possible, several members told me they see it as a game where the rich get richer, so want to do T7.

Now, as I see it, that excludes anyone not in the top10 of the guild (which is myself included), as they will be earning Guild currency, but unable to participate in the raids due to only a few 7*s.

Do you think all the guild should help to benefit others with T5s, or do you think they should ignore 30+ guild members and line their own rosters?


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    I just wonder whats the point in being in a guild if you can't participate in a raid; yeah, you'll get something out of it, but isn't the point of raiding for all to take part, not sit and watch 5-10 members do it all?
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    It's actually the opposite. T7 is where everyone gets good raid gear (even Rank #50). More time you spend on T5/T6, the less geared everyone else will be. Everyone can participate in T7 raids as long as they have one 7* char.

    The question is whether you have enough teams/organization to complete T7. That should be your criteria for moving forward.
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    I just wonder whats the point in being in a guild if you can't participate in a raid; yeah, you'll get something out of it, but isn't the point of raiding for all to take part, not sit and watch 5-10 members do it all?

    You can also organize the attacks (single attack in P1, P2, or P3) to let people assess/improve their raid teams over time as they gear up their raid teams. T7 raids will help improve their teams and strategy. They only need to gear up 2 raid teams.
  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    If your guild can take on T7, take on T7. No looking back. You will actually progress faster than by doing T5.
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    Never done at raid how many attacks do you get in that 2 day window. If you only get 2 and it took you 4 days to do t6, will you be able to complete t7 in 2 days?
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Assuming your guild has enough to finish off a t7 AND everyone in your guild has at least one 7* (which is the safer assumption of the two) then it might not be a bad idea to try t7. People at the bottom will get more guild currency and credits which will help build your roster faster. Plus more unobtainables.

    However, playing devils advocate, it's taking you four days to complete a t6. Are the top ten in your guild 100% positive your guild can do a t7? If not, you might at the minimum be wasting coins for t7 you could have been using for t6, and at the worst be booting people who couldn't perform a t7 and coming back here asking for some mercenaries to finish off the rancor. T6 gives better rewards than t5 and allows you to hone your skills and work on your roster, too.
  • Mezmo
    117 posts Member
    Yea, everyone is better off if you can do T7.


    Judging from your description, you have zero chance of doing T7 at the moment.
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    What's the threshold for doing heroic? I read somewhere 500 7*...or is it how quick you are clearing tier 6?

    Any insight would be great
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    If you can clear T6 in one set of attempts, I have been told many times, you are ready for T7.
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    I would do the highest tier you can. However, I wouldn't jump from T5 to T7. Just try T6 and see if you can get close to beating it with one attempt. Our guild needed a reset in phase 4 with 25% health left on T6 and could clear T7 in our next attempt.
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    T7 has no reset on attempts, so whatever 7* toons your guild has, that's all they get. when they're dead, they're dead.
    if it takes 4 days to complete a T6, your guild as a whole is not ready.
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    I think if you can do t6 in one or even two refreshes, it might be worth giving t7 a shot just to see if you can do it. However if it takes 4 days you won't make it.
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