I dont need a taunter, i have Daka...

77 posts Member
Every. Single. Time. She is always targeted first in arena..i mean..i would not mind, because that means more time for rey, but i really miss her omega stun...anyone else experience this ? Can someone explain me, why is she primary target ? Or am i just very unlucky and rng hates me ?


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    AI generally targets healers first.
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    Lol. It's because they know... they know your gameplan, your strategy, and they aren't gonna let you use it on them.
    Is daka any good though, at like gear 10? I have her at 6 stars gear 8 but she just seems so useless if her stun doesn't work.
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    I don't have Daka on my team, but I had a weird AI targeting experience yesterday. It targeted by RG, of all things, without the taunt triggering even. My team is Phasma, RG, QGJ, Rey, and GS. The last one I would choose to target if I were fighting that team is RG.
  • Kobi
    77 posts Member
    I dont know if she is good at gear X because i am f2p and i am not precrafter :-) but my gear VIII Daka stuns pretty much (omega on basic ;-) ) if her stun woud not work for me, she would be benched ;-)
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Lol. It's because they know... they know your gameplan, your strategy, and they aren't gonna let you use it on them.
    Is daka any good though, at like gear 10? I have her at 6 stars gear 8 but she just seems so useless if her stun doesn't work.

    I run a 7*, Gear 10 Daka in my arena team on an early December shard. She rocks. Omega'd her basic (which cranks her stun to 60%/55%) - with her potency at 187% (at G10 you can add a scanner), it sticks well. I also have her chant omega'd - and it has happened several times that I use it twice in a single arena battle. I am sitting in 5th with my payout 11 hours ago.

    I run her with a Dooku lead and RG (along with Rey + QGJ). If I face any Jedi team, they are on stun lockdown while Rey simply beats the snot out of them.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Lol. It's because they know... they know your gameplan, your strategy, and they aren't gonna let you use it on them.
    Is daka any good though, at like gear 10? I have her at 6 stars gear 8 but she just seems so useless if her stun doesn't work.

    I run a 7*, Gear 10 Daka in my arena team on an early December shard. She rocks. Omega'd her basic (which cranks her stun to 60%/55%) - with her potency at 187% (at G10 you can add a scanner), it sticks well. I also have her chant omega'd - and it has happened several times that I use it twice in a single arena battle. I am sitting in 5th with my payout 11 hours ago.

    I run her with a Dooku lead and RG (along with Rey + QGJ). If I face any Jedi team, they are on stun lockdown while Rey simply beats the snot out of them.
    Nice, I'm sitting with a droid caller and I can use it on daka I just haven't been sure if she's worth it or not. Her being bad in raids has kinda lowered my excitement. It's either daka or admiral ackbar fighting for my droid caller. I do wanna use a rebel team.
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    Kobi wrote: »
    I dont know if she is good at gear X because i am f2p and i am not precrafter :-) but my gear VIII Daka stuns pretty much (omega on basic ;-) ) if her stun woud not work for me, she would be benched ;-)

    Plenty of f2p have droid callers, and plenty of f2p precrafted droid callers. It's not unique to P2P players.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Lol. It's because they know... they know your gameplan, your strategy, and they aren't gonna let you use it on them.
    Is daka any good though, at like gear 10? I have her at 6 stars gear 8 but she just seems so useless if her stun doesn't work.

    I run a 7*, Gear 10 Daka in my arena team on an early December shard. She rocks. Omega'd her basic (which cranks her stun to 60%/55%) - with her potency at 187% (at G10 you can add a scanner), it sticks well. I also have her chant omega'd - and it has happened several times that I use it twice in a single arena battle. I am sitting in 5th with my payout 11 hours ago.

    I run her with a Dooku lead and RG (along with Rey + QGJ). If I face any Jedi team, they are on stun lockdown while Rey simply beats the snot out of them.

    Hrm.........I've been slowly working on Daka. She sits at g9 right now and I keep putting off her Omega for other priorities. However, this may convince me to speed her up a bit with that potency at 187%.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Yeah I run rg/daka as my two tank team. The ai always gets daka to yellow to proc the rg taunt
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    Daka is a boss. I have her 6* L80 G10 with Omega basic and special, farming shards from cantina for 7* now.

    I don't regret the time and resources spent.
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    Daka! Drool...
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Guni
    30 posts Member
    I have a near maxed gear and ability Daka riding pine in arena (Dec. shard typically top 10 team). She was my first to gear and give omegas too, but I replaced her with another dps character. Even though I took her off arena she is still a character I don't regret gearing and giving omegas too. She made GW a cakewalk even before they nerfed it.

    I have seen her do well on STH arena teams because opponents are forced to either pick her or Han and there is a pretty decent chance QGJ or your dispell character may be stunned when Han taunts. That has been the only team I've lost to in about a week.
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    To everyone wondering about Old Daka in G10 and omega abilities if she is good. The answer is yes she is.
  • CEG9876
    355 posts Member
    Because she is the hardest character on the game.
    If you kill someone else she will revive them.
    She is always the first person I kill.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    If you want an Anti-taunter on your team, add Obi-Wan. The AI doesn't even want to attack him when he's the last person standing.
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    Parableman wrote: »
    I don't have Daka on my team, but I had a weird AI targeting experience yesterday. It targeted by RG, of all things, without the taunt triggering even. My team is Phasma, RG, QGJ, Rey, and GS. The last one I would choose to target if I were fighting that team is RG.


    With your team, I would target RG first, to completely nullify his taunt. While QGJ dispel is nice and all, it isn't effective if it doesn't come back around in time to be used before Rey and GS go off multiple times, especially if QGJ gets stunned. So in my experience, it's better to start loading damage onto RG from the start, rather than have him taunt, and have to fight him from full health at mid-match, while beating beat on by a Quarter-healthed Rey. I can sustain a few hits from get her early on, But not later.

    I sometimes try to bring Rey down just above 50%, so RG doesn't taunt, then finish her off with a GS assist, but that doesn't always work out. Sometimes I will get an unexpected assist that will drop her below 50%, or the main attack will get dodged, and the weaker assist won't kill her. Basically any combination of reasons for not enough damage.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Daka is top tier in all formats other than the pit raid.
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    Asic wrote: »
    Daka is top tier in all formats other than the pit raid.

    Concur. I maxed out a Daka and built a droid / stun team around her. RG, 88, 86, and a 47 lead. The stuns from a fully juiced RG and Daka keep the momentum going for the glass cannons in arena. I drop a few places overnight, but pay out between 20 and 35 with an occasional dip into the teens. GW is a piece of cake with the revives. Its not too shabby of a lineup, as I am f2p on a December shard with some big-time spenders. I just can't stomach running the Dooku/Ben/Rey cookie cutter team.

    I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    I love my Daka, especially in T7P1 raids
    She draws the attention away from the others ;)
    Only her basic is omega
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Even in raids, she's helpful. She can't stun the rancor or resurrect eaten characters, but she can stun guards and resurrect anyone who isn't eaten. She also does more damage than JC. She's not as helpful as Lumi or Barriss, but she's the third best healer in the raid, and it's worth having a healer on every team except your turn meter team.
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    I was going to jump in the 5sss boat when i noticed his potency is 20% until gear 10 60% so my plan is farming daka once i ! Done with hrs( his a 6* stopped farming him for qgj once i Finish him daka going to destroy!)
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Daka's great because she allows for an entirely different play strategy that opens up an alternate solution to common problems.

    The problem people have with Rey is actually a problem with Royal Guard keeping her safe. The brute force solution to this problem is to have Qui-Gon Jinn (or anyone else who can cleanse, but usually Qui-Gon) break the Guard's taunt or call an assist to kill her before the taunt can resolve. Both these solutions can go wrong if turn meters are monkeyed with some way. Old Daka (especially if you combine her with a Royal Guard) can keep a threat--usually Rey--locked down, allowing you to deal with the Royal Guard first. This is especially helpful if they have multiple threats (Rey and Qui-Gon, for example; Leia's unique because her stealth will nearly always activate before you can start stunning her--but Daka's secondary stun at least gives you a possibility) hiding behind the Guard and you can't break his Taunt twice. Or if they have a load of counterattack characters. Or if they assist a bunch and you want to stun the dangerous folks they'd call.

    Long story short, she's great. Get her, get Royal Guard, get Qui-Gon, never worry about difficult characters again.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Daka doesn't have taunt
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    Lol. It's because they know... they know your gameplan, your strategy, and they aren't gonna let you use it on them.
    Is daka any good though, at like gear 10? I have her at 6 stars gear 8 but she just seems so useless if her stun doesn't work.

    I gear 9d her, Omegad her basic and she'll eat your face if left ****.

    I wouldn't swap anyone out ( running Phasma, Rex, RG, QGJ and GS, all maxed except RG9) but I wouldn't cry if I had to use her.
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    Daka doesn't have taunt
    I hope this is Poe
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