The StormPoopers guild wants to MERGE!!!!!!

25 posts Member
edited July 2016

A group of about 10 just left the guild we were at to start our own. We are all level 80 and very involved. Looking for new active members. Just started a few days ago and currently have about 40 roster spots available. Also have a group chat set up on line. My line name is DarthUriah if you want to message me. My ally code is 628-377-378. Just send me an ally request and I will accept and send you a guild invite. Or post your ally code on this thread and I can send a request.

Currently have 100,000 in guild currency available for raids so we are well equipped for raids. If you are looking for a new home... Hit us up.
Post edited by DarthUriah02 on


  • DarthUriah02
    25 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Post edited by DarthUriah02 on
  • DarthUriah02
    25 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Post edited by DarthUriah02 on
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    My ally code is 628-377-378. Send request and I will invite you. Or leave your ally code here
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    My ally code is 628-377-378. Send request and I will invite you. Or leave your ally code here
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    My ally code is 628-377-378. Send request and I will invite you. Or leave your ally code here.
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    Looking to merge with somebody else. We have about 10 level 80 players. hit me up on here to work something out
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    Added you
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    Are you still looking to merge?
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    yes what is your guild name
  • MolTheFirst
    146 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi, are your players ready and hungry for heroic raid? My guild that has just completed it's 4th heroic raid. We have been using mercenary support (3 mercenaries) in order to guarantee raid success and are about ready to be independent. I am looking for 5-10 strong players.

    There aren't many whales in the guild. So it's a good opportunity for your best players to get good heroic rankings.

    If you are interested you could quickly spend your 100k and come across.

    LINE: MolTheFirst
    Post edited by MolTheFirst on
  • KoaBrazen
    217 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Your 10 can join us. We just started our second t6 raid. Completed a good 15 or so t5s. Last one took no time so we're testing our mettle yet again on the t6. We're 48/50 but we have 8 low contributors we can axe. Tell me more about the 10 you have? What are their level ranges and star counts? 9 gear and up?
  • KoaBrazen
    217 posts Member
    Ally code: 847484845
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    The original Crimson elite, is our guild name. We actually need exactly 10, possibly could take 12 or 12. If you're on "line" my ID is bamabull55
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    11, or 12*
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