I love the new update

95 posts Member
I love the mod system. This is an in app purchase game. Spend the money ,get the mods. I did.

Gw is a tiny bit more challenging. Still takes too long but I can still do it. Is not impossible. Soon everyone will do it giving enough time and resources. Before mods I never ever switch a toon out , completed the whole thing with one team. That was not the goal.

Raids were 2 easy even before mods. You had ppl soloing whole phases. Something was needed to be done. Is intended for 50 ppl not 10. Good for potency nerf. With mods I soloed 2 phases yesterday and could've done more but I had to leave some for other ppl.

Major updates in a game , any game, are not supposed to be instantly available to everyone. This is content that is suppose to last at least til the next major one. Everyone seems to want max mods on all toons for free. Drop rate was needed to be adjusted. Prices too. What's the point of tier 1 and 2 of the mods if everyone can instantly use 5* lv15?

Again, this is a free game with in app purchase. If you really want everything instant get your card out and pay. And you'll have it.

The end.


  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    "Enough time and resources"

    Thats the problem there are no resources

    "This is an in app purchase game"

    That is a choice and shouldnt be a requirement

    Very short sighted
  • Zeu
    95 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    There are resources. Maybe not as fast as you want them. You get free energy and cantina. FREE

    it is a choice. Give it a few months of free energy and cantina. Free credits from whatever you can get from gw , free credits from bounty challenge and you'll get everything. Again notice the word FREE

    that's your choice. You might not like it. This is a game meant to make money.
  • Options
    Zeu wrote: »
    With mods I soloed 2 phases yesterday and could've done more but I had to leave some for other ppl.

    So Gentle.
  • Options
    Good call. Everyone wants totally maxed out everything immediately. I don't mind waiting and building my stocks. The game is progressing and peeps need to work towards something or it gets stale. So much self entitlement running riot through the forums.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Good call. Everyone wants totally maxed out everything immediately. I don't mind waiting and building my stocks. The game is progressing and peeps need to work towards something or it gets stale. So much self entitlement running riot through the forums.

    I would have agreed with that statement until the last update

    If you wanted to unlock a new char for example...
    1. Farm the shards for an energy cost (or GW/Arena/Cantina shops)
    2. Spend credits to lvl up (believe its just shy of 6m to get to 80)
    3. Farm gear for an energy cost, doesnt take long until you hit lvl8
    4. Now farm mods at an energy and credit cost

    In this game you need to have a char to a certain level to be viable.. personally at lvl 80 I think lvl70 toon with gear8 and 7 star just gets away with it... now add on the extra time to mod a char (which with the most recent update has become the most important as it currently stands) and with cost of lvling mods (I forget the new figure to get to lvl 15) its more than being patient and building stocks... its potentially weeks/months just on ONE char !

    Im f2p I have 20+ 7* toons with more I could promote but not the credits, most of my chars are gear 8/9 with many lvl 80 and omegas.. ALL as you say above by waiting and building up my stocks since January.. I dont mind the graft its a mechanic of the game... MODS how they currently stand remove that graft and reward
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