Farming advice needed (esp Arena)

211 posts Member
edited September 2016
As seems to be the case for so many, I've really struggled with my farming strategy, and nowhere more than in the Arena Store. I'd love to get some feedback on whether my current farming route makes sense, or if different tactics might be better for where I am.

A rough overview of my squad and current strategy follows (, listed in order of AP, and 7-star listed with a single asterisk, 7-star and lvl80 with a double asterisk:

Arena (~37k): QGJ**, RG**, Daka**, Rey**, STH(l)** (regularly top-25 in a late-April shard)
Jedi: QGJ**, JKA**, Lumi**, Ahsoka*, Eeth*, JC, OB, Yoda,
Geo/Droids: GS**, Poggle*, 86**, 88**, 100
Jawas: Dathcha**, Jawa, JE, Nebit, JS
Rebels: STH**, Lando, Biggs*, Leia, Scarif
Scoundrels: STH**, 88**, Lando, Dengar, CWC (finishing tier-2 credit heists)
Other Notables: Teebo**, Elder**, Phasma**, Sid*

Arena: I just got Nebit to 5*, as I build up Jawas for the upcoming raid. I'm torn though, on whether I should take him all the way to max, or if it's better to pause him here and move on to another Arena toon for the time being, either Leia (4*), Ackbar (locked), or HK-47 (locked). I don't expect my arena team will shift to droids, but HK could lead a dominant GW squad (I complete it every day, but never complain about GW becoming easier!)

GW Store: Got Magma halfway to 6* here, to ease potency mod challenges, but I wonder if I should be doing Tusken instead, given the utility of his basic attack in raids. No interest in Cad, as my scoundrels are just fine, but Resistance Pilot would be good if I did Poe in Cantina Store.

Cantina: Working on completing Lando here, after which I plan to finish Jawa and then move on, maybe to finish Old Ben, maybe to start Wedge or B2, perhaps Chirpa down the line.

Cantina Store: Jawa Scavenger is 4* here, again building for the next raid, after which I'd either finish Boba in anticipation of his rework, or finally build up Fives for current raids and Imperial Might events. Poe also tempting, for synergy with droids and for 3* speed mods.

Guild Store: JE and Dengar (both approaching 6*) whenever they pop up, after which I probably start up IGD or finish Snowtrooper.


  • Speaker4thedead
    444 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi Roc.

    I will suggest this to you. Once you get invested 5* or more into anyone finish them. Early in the game 5 and 6 star toons are useful. End game... Not so much. So I would finish the jawa tank, then do Leia then AA.


    What I suggest is finding a theme you want to build around, and go that way. There is rumor that ships will be added. With this, you will want pilots I would imagine. This means Biggs, Wedge, RP, FOTP and such. It also brings toons like Phasma, Vader, Anakin, Old Ben, QGJ, Han Solo, and Rey into question. Will they be able to pilot whatever the addition of ships makes? If they add ships at all.

    Now, I am a day 1 f2p player. I don't have all the f2p toons, but I have most of the important ones. And without knowing who you WANT to use hinders my availability as to who I would suggest you farm.

    End game, your leader means more than EVER.

    My lineup, I run Anakin(L,) 5s, QGJ, RG and Aayla. Soon Aayla may be replaced by CS. Its taken me MONTHS to farm CS to 7* (I still lack 23 shards.) But every one of my toons except for RG take FULL ADVANTAGE of my leaders leader ability. RG is simply there for protection.

    There are very few lineups I can't demolish with this lineup. However with this lineup I cannot touch palp teams. He will stun everyone but RG. Sometimes I don't get a single move (against palp teams) with anyone besides RG. Which...needless to say, doesnt fare so well for me, so until they get palp under control, I have to just not face them.. But does that point ya to what I'm saying? Without KNOWING who you use/want to use (as far as themes go) its insanely difficult to make suggestions on who to farm. Do you want Rebels? Scoundrels? Empire? Ewoks?

    Synchronization has never ment as much as it does today.
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    Brilliant, thanks @Speaker4thedead! Should know I can always count on you for some solid advice :smile:

    I suppose in short, I haven't developed much of a long-term plan, kind of follow what seems to make sense at the moment, sometimes basing that on what's big at the time (so I started building Rey when she seemed to be getting popular, went with Daka to help with Dark battles and GW when that arose, and now both are key members of my arena team).

    Probably my chief goals at the moment:

    1. Get access to all events, so enough Rebels/Clones to take on the Empire Might event, enough Rebels for the next emergence of Palpatine, strong enough teams to handle the most important mod challenges I need (right now that means scoundrels for crit chance, empire for potency). And yes, right now that may well include pilots, as the upcoming ships and the announcement of the Tie Pilot, makes me think you're 100% right about pilots being important soon.

    2. Refine my arena squad, which may just happen by getting to max gear on my current toons, as my dual-stun/dual-taunt team is generally holding its own against any non-droid teams up to 3k higher. Droid/Jawa squads do destroy me, not sure the best way to handle that as a f2p w/o Palp.

    3. I usually finish 10-20 in my guild's raids right now, so I'd love to be regularly top-10, if not in the current format then at least the new droid one (hence all the Jawas, and my 5 max Jedi to get Yoda in a couple weeks). Hoping getting Dengar to max and eventually Jawa will make up for the lack of Fives in the pig/rancor raids.

    4. Decent enough droid team to give me another GW squad, and to handle any droid-necessary events that might come along. Without using them as an arena team, I don't know if droids are that important, but with four droids/geonosians maxed and working on JE and Nebit, it seems logical to be able to use an HK-led team.

    5. Ewoks would be a fun team to have, as I've already got 2 maxed and ES reasonably far along, but Chirpa is more of a back-burner farm, as I don't anticipate an Ewok team would be very important until they add a fifth (maybe Logray eventually pops up as a monthly login toon?).
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    Sorry for the delay @Roc_Laivindur haven't been on here in a couple days.

    Ok as a f2p player, I have found it extremely difficult to be able to handle going after so many things at once. What I suggest is finding the 1 or 2 most important toons you want, max them, and move to 1 or 2 more. This will allow you to be able to gear the toons, level them, as well as star them up. Please dont make the mistake that I made and have like 10 toons that you have the shards to 7* but not the gold.

    As far as droids, I eat them alive. There isnt a droid lineup I can't obliterate. I already listed who I use. However I have changed Aayla out with CS. CS will crit for over 10k on his basic almost every time, and he also removes 50% tm with is AOE. he is an ABSOLUTE STUD under an Anakin lead.

    As far as palp... Well he is just severely OP. I was normally finishing between 12-5 every day on a day 1 shard. Now I struggle to stay inside the top 100. Its absurd. Sometimes I have to just wait and watch my guys drop until I find a non palp roster. He is garbage. Seriously, I have to avoid them at all costs. He will stun everyone but RG. Sometimes I dont even get a shot off by anyone other than RG because palp keeps em stunned. Its GARBAGE.

    But ok. If you are wanting rebels, I like my HRS the most of all of em. He is in cantina shipments. Of course Leia. Biggs in GW shipments, and I suggest farming wedge from cantina. There is a battle you can see on YouTube (I saw it on reddit the other day) where teebo, Biggs, and wedge just those 3 did phase 1 of a tier 7 raid. Wedge and Biggs mix together like peas and carrots. And they throw down the damage. But Biggs is an assist guy. When he calls his assist, Wedge will ALWAYS be pulled, but he will pull someone else as well.

    Now I dont normally suggest people farm Chirpa. But if you already have EE, Teebo, and ES far along, for the love of God, get Chirpa. He has a move (with an omega) that he will attack and call every member on the roster to attack as well. This is if you are running the 4 ewoks+ any random toon, they will ALL attack.

    Hope that helped at least a little.
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    @Speaker4thedead For sure, this is all super helpful. And I'm largely on the same page as you by now, just focusing a couple toons at a time and then moving on (so currently it's JE/Dengar from guild shipments, JS in Cantina shop, Lando in cantina, Nebit in arena, Magmatrooper in GW, and Jawa/gear/others from hard campaign nodes). The gold is a tricky one, to conserve when I get up to 5m+, but it's helpful now that I have the scoundrels to finish the top tier of the credit heist. Gear is tougher, since I rarely finish top-10 in our heroic raid and so I've got a tremendous gear bottleneck. This weekend's galactic gear pack is one of the few times I've really been tempted to drop $10 on the game just to snag a couple packs and try easing that limitation.

    And then there's the fact that they're adding new toons and team synergies faster than I can build my guys, so the distractions are many, and I have a number of toons I started building early and then switched away from to get to my current state (CS, Jawa, Chewie, SO, Snow, Boba, JKG......), so there's also always a pull to complete those chars that are all 3*-5*.

    Definitely want to get Chirpa, though I still think I'm going to push for Wedge first, just because I've got Biggs and I think I'll need a complete rebel team far sooner than I'll need all four ewoks (unless they make Logray or Wicket the daily login toon for December.....), not to mention ES only being on 2 hard nodes, so still slow to complete him for the team (just like CS, though his power for you is fascinating....I ditched him from my plans back in May!)

    All that said, it's hard to be patient and level up 1 or 2 at a time, when I'm also feeling a bit of, "I'm not strengthening any toons today, I must be falling behind!" So that's the demon for me to fight.

    Interestingly, I have little problem with Palp, with my speedy double-stun team of RG and Daka. If there's a team I can't take down with him, it's usually because of somebody else shielding him, like RG + Sun Fac.
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    Of the ones you say you scrapped, none of them are top notch toons. I mean my CS can throw down Rey like damage, but he is under an Anakin lead getting huge bonuses. And it taken me about 5 months to farm him. So at least you didnt scrub any A list toons.

    As far as raids go... What I suggest (and again its just a suggestion, I'm not telling you what to do.... I'm telling you what I do) I have my A team which is my arena team with Yoda in place of RG. I never attack phase 1. I dont have the roster for it. So I wait. The second phase 2 starts, I start it up. The absolute most important thing that I have found during this attack, is having someone who can slap the rancor with slow. For me, thats 5s on my A team and Phasma on my 2nd. You want to hit the rancor with slow ASAP and especially have it when the door is down. If he resists, retreat and try again. But you WANT him to be slowed with that door down. And give him everything you have while thst door is down. Only attack during this time. When the door is down its auto: critical, advantage, and offense up. Dont waste an attacking turn (with the door down) with ANYTHING but attacks. Ok after that attack, dont attack again. Wait for phase 3. Once it gets to phase 3, go in with your B team. Again, the door will drop on the rancor. It drops on p2 and p3 on the 1st attack. Again hit him with slow if possible and give it everything you have. When the door is down, TM reductions dont work. But they do when its up. So on my A team I have Yoda and QGJ who can remove TM. I'll soon have CS. But no one on my B team.

    And dont worry about not spending gold on people each day. Its not going to hurt them. I mean you want to get your arena lineup to 7* lvl80 and max gear asap.

    And oh boy does gear make a difference...
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    No kidding on that gear.....

    I may finally get to a good place with raids, though. We've been doing a strategy for weeks where one guy would solo p1 to avoid us wasting damage there, and then we'd all be set loose starting on p2. My Teebo and QGJ just weren't reliable enough with TMR on the rancor (or Phasma/RG with slow) for me to get much going there, especially as others got stronger and I couldn't rely on 6 or 7 attempts and retreats.

    This last raid we opened up p1 to everybody, with a 0-dmg tagging period for folks who can't join at our designated time but want to get something in rewards. I finally can solo p1 (with Teebo(L), Elder, GS, QGJ, Phasma), so I pre-loaded that run and just logged it when the raid officially opened. 2.4m dmg, #4 ranking. If I can keep that up, the gear crunch will ease quite a bit sooner!

    So regarding your dominant team....if you saw my team ahead of you (STH-L, Rey, Daka, RG, QGJ), would it make you think twice at all? It's solid for me, and I'm keeping top-20 most of the time these days, but STH has one of the least impressive leader abilities I've got, so I've thought about what change might improve things, perhaps swapping JKA for STH when he's ready (still just g9), but really not sure. I could at least put QGJ in as leader so he speeds himself up, but it's still not much.
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    Well to answer your question, no it would be one that I seek out (assuming your guys were max because for me to face them, they would be.) Your team doesnt have palp. Before palp was added, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole. The double taunter's would of kept me away. Now... With the right RNG I beat that lineup.

    Oh and I made a post on reddit a while ago and someone told me that a 7* lvl80, g8 Teebo with only 1* potency mods (leveled to 15) and thats enough potency for a g8 Teebo squad to solo phase 1 of a tier 7. So... If you were to fill up your teebo with even those 1* potency mods, the bonuses he would get would make it more than enough to solo p1. Just a thought. I'm about to start working on potency mods. The next time we get a palp event, he will give me my 5th at least 5* empire, so I can start getting some mods other than health mods for my guys that need it.... To me, potency mods will by far be the most beneficial. Anakin, 5s, RG, CS, QGJ, and Yoda all can take advantage of more potency and they are all on my A team (teams would be better. Because my arena lineup is my A squad on raids with Yoda in place of RG
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    Oh and I wouldn't spend anything on those gear packs. Many times ive had people in my guild buy them. Only once was anyone happy about it.

    If they let you chose what gear you would be getting great! But there are waaaaaaaaay too many purple pieces that I have THOUSANDS of, so there is zero chance I buy one of the mod packs...well that would possibly be a different story...
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    Admitting that I'm stupid, who is CS in this case? I've looked up and down my list - I cannot imagine it is the Clone Sergeant.
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    Yep @TerseRein, amazingly enough, apparently Clone Sergeant is decent with the right team! I was just as confused as you were until I realized it couldn't be anybody else :)
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    @Speaker4thedead - that's exactly the Teebo I'm running right now: g8/7*/lvl80, all 1*/2* potency mods. Those mods are the primary reason I've been building Magmatrooper lately (got him 80 shards from full), as right now I can only get 5-dot on health, defense, and I should get crit chance once Lando's 7* and Dengar 6* later this month. So that did make it worthwhile to get a mod pack, though it was a little disappointing (I did get 5-dot speed, crit dmg, and pot mods, which I had no other way to acquire, but pretty average primary and secondary stats).
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