PSA: Droid smuggling event later today

So no heist...


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    Keep the droids. Give me double heists instead
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    That really stinks
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    Reeks of dissapointment and raw sewage it does...
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    Yup, that's ****
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Whats the point of training droids if you have no credits............
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    That would be believable if we weren't all on the same timer for events now...
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    That would be believable if we weren't all on the same timer for events now...

    A non-believer I see. I've beeen right every time before. My tea leaves never lie.

  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    That would be hilariously awful
  • 3Edward9
    486 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Keep the droids. Give me double heists instead

    Be careful about what you wish for, some say got 1.5m*2 from the credit heist, even double won't help much either.
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    Cool, I really need those training droids! I have 100 million credits and have 0 training droids. Now I can finally train my characters!! I have 10 7* characters sitting out because I don't have enough training droids. So happy to see more training droids!!

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    Droid smuggling event is a waste. Gives that stupid challenge gear everytime. Junk.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Droid smuggling event should be updated to give the gold challenge gear 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    That would be believable if we weren't all on the same timer for events now...

    A non-believer I see. I've beeen right every time before. My tea leaves never lie.

    Fine Sir, can your leaves tell the next lottery numbers? I'd much rather use your wisdom on that, instead of the droid event i just got notified about...
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    I'm not saying your wrong, but how do you know? I thought we all got the smuggler events at the same time. Are you basing this off of the in game announcement? If so you should probably know those aren't always accurate.
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    i know the time of the announcement ist off, but it usually announces the right event at least.. droids are up
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    Confirmed driod event just launched... officially missed a heist
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    I'm confused. Why do they think we need all these droids with no money to train toons?

    Get a grip, you chuckleheads.
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    6-12 days or not, the suggestion it's random is an absolute joke, this is 100% a manufactured bottle neck
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    yeah, for sure they missed credit heist, training droids are just as good as nothing without credits... come on EA, please read up on how many people asking for credits.
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    rogue555 wrote: »
    yeah, for sure they missed credit heist, training droids are just as good as nothing without credits... come on EA, please read up on how many people asking for credits.

    Today is day 11, so they haven't missed anything.
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    RU486 wrote: »
    Whats the point of training droids if you have no credits............

    Oh that's easy! Just buy credit packs for crystals in the store. :smile:

    See what they did there?
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    Looks like you were right about the event. However, I know for sure that false notifications have popped up in the past.
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    CG/EA does not care about their customer satisfaction or they would not do this all the time. It seems dissatisfied customers are more profitable to them.
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    We are being trolled so hard by the Devs right now
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    I like the droid event, just wish they gave credit instea
    sying wrote: »
    Looks like you were right about the event. However, I know for sure that false notifications have popped up in the past.

    One time I didn't get a notification when there was one, all the others I knew ahead of time. I sent them a note that they were using there wrong time type variable but they didn't bother to respond back. So many other bugs, I'm sure it's just backlogged but they clearly have time issues in their code, tournament refresh comes to mind.

    Rancor also has several bugs that were introduced in the last update.

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    Hobnob wrote: »
    6-12 days or not, the suggestion it's random is an absolute joke, this is 100% a manufactured bottle neck

    Someone there is laughing at all of us
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    Just let the people dry out, and they are happy to drink a bottle of salty water
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