Should I continue farming Darth Sidious?

I am currently lvl 55 and have a 6* Darth Sidious. I started farming him because I heard he is one of the best character in the game, but now I heard lots of people saying he is really useless in the higher lvl. So I'm wondering if I should stop farming him and focus my energy on farming other characters, like Leia or maybe Stormtrooper Han.


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    Where did you hear people saying to farm sideous?

    Plus I suggest to just stop farming him.
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    Sidious was good long time ago. Now he is not so good. It might be useful, because of health immunity and restoring hp based on defeated enemies, but he doesn't strike so strong. Better farm St Han, Leia or reworked Assajj.
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    Sid was my favorite character, then they nerfed him and now I have a 7 star sid sitting on gear 9 and lvl 74 ( I have not done anything with him since). His heal block can be helpful and Demoralizing blows is helpful with a taunting tank. But to be honest you have much better options in Arena shipments. Like the others have said STH and Leia are good IG88 can be helpful but is weak until you gear him up to lvl 10.
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    No, farm St Han or Princess Leia instead, rebels are very important in the game now.
  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Sidious may have a re-appearance due to his Zeta ability. This gives him plenty of Potency to land his debuffs, unlike before, and also give him the opportunity for 40k HP and 8k (self ) heals (with palpataters lead) when he lands any debuff. Time will tell.
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    I would farm another toon. Sidious used to be a great toon, but the game has changed significantly and he is no longer worth getting until much later. Arena is tough because almost all toons there are good to farm at some point. I will list them all and tell you why to farm them. If it was me, I would do ST Han and IG-88 first, then fill in what else you need from the list. Both of those are dual synergy characters and both are scoundrals which are highly needed due to the credit event. I guess who you do first may be determined if you need one to help you advance quicker. Nebit helps in a very important mod challenge, so you should aim to get him to 5* at least by the time you are hitting lvl 70+. You probably only need one fleet captain to start, so pick which one you want most from the list. The most popular right now is Ackbar, but all have their uses. Also note that Mace is the only toon in this shop that can be farmed somewhere else (cantina & hard node). For that reason, I put him on the low priority list.

    Heres the to farm list (no particular order):
    IG-88: Droid (omega event), Scoundrel (important mod challenge, training droid event, credit event, omega event), interesting leader ability, high damage, AoE
    ST Han: Rebel (mod challenge, omega event, assault event, rebel synergy), Scoundrel (same as IG-88), tank, TM manipulation
    Nebit: Jawa (important mod challenge, omega event, AAT raid bonus, droid synergy), interesting kit
    Tarkin: Empire (mod challenge, omega event, assault event, empire synergy), Fleet captain, speed lead
    Ackbar: Rebel (same as ST Han), Fleet captain, team cleanse, speed lead
    Leia: Rebel (same as ST Han), stealth
    HK-47: Droid (same as IG-88), best droid leader, droids are formidable team everywhere, but if not doing droid team, he should be skipped.

    Here are the ones to farm at some point, but not really needed until much later.
    Asajj: Nightsister synergy, can have insane speed under proper conditions, dispell
    Ugnaught: good for AAT raid
    Greedo & Nute: Scoundrel (same as IG-88, but these arnt specifically needed)
    Mace: Jedi (mod challenge, omega event, Yoda event, AAT raid bonus), Fleet captain, dispel
    Eeth: Jedi (same as Mace, but not fleet captain)
    Sidious: Sith (omega event [droids can be taken instead so not needed at all], sith synergy) could be good under right conditions with Emperor Palatine lead, interesting leader ability
    Savage: Sith (same as Sidious)
    CUP: completion only
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