K-2so worth it on a droid team?

6 posts Member
edited December 2016
I was just wondering if putting K-2SO om my droid team is worth the time and investment of resources. If so who do I drop? Current team consists of, Hk lead, Ig88, Ig86, B2, and Jawa Engineer. I occasionally switch jawa with poggle if the situation calls for it. As a side note my magna driod is 7* as well.


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    If you used Nebit in there I might say swap for Nebit, but B2 is good.
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    How do you even get k-2so? I see people activating him but I can't find him anywhere.
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    Guibs wrote: »
    How do you even get k-2so? I see people activating him but I can't find him anywhere.

    Android only. But let's not start an argument again.
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    Droids need a Baze Droid... k2s isn't it.

    By Baze droid I mean a character that taunts and is able to dispel taunts.
    Right now droids are stuck between chosing to dispel (using b2) or a taunt (using nebit) or using both and losing firepower.
    K2 might replace 86 in some setups or nebit (for the times you do use him), but isn't really a answer to anything.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I use him in the challenge as my 5th droid(w/je), but no he doesn't really have a place in that team. 86 and 88 are dps, B2 is key with all the taunts out there now. I just don't see him being able to add anything.
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    I'm level 81 on my second account running Droids. Replaced 86 with K2 when I unlocked him. I'm slaughtering the level 85 whale squads now for the first time since the level cap increase (when I was L78) and taking Rank 1 if I'm able to play at payout.

    Daze Biggs. K2 taunts and get taken out by Wiggs. HK AOE. 88 AOE. B2 basic. Revive K2. Prosper.

    Can't wait until he's 7* and I get a droid caller to take him to g9. He occasionally survives the Wiggs shot now at 5*, G8
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    odatoyoda wrote: »
    I'm level 81 on my second account running Droids. Replaced 86 with K2 when I unlocked him. I'm slaughtering the level 85 whale squads now for the first time since the level cap increase (when I was L78) and taking Rank 1 if I'm able to play at payout.

    Daze Biggs. K2 taunts and get taken out by Wiggs. HK AOE. 88 AOE. B2 basic. Revive K2. Prosper.

    Can't wait until he's 7* and I get a droid caller to take him to g9. He occasionally survives the Wiggs shot now at 5*, G8

    Thank you for this reply. i'm furiously gearing him up in the hope he will be useful against Biggs (and of course the Emperor). thank you for letting me know there is hope for him working out. I'm planning on putting him in for 86, so a loss of firepower, but a gain with that daze.
    how did you mod him... i have loaded potency, as i need the daze to stick, and his potency isnt great to start. are there other, better mods for him?
  • crzydroid
    7373 posts Moderator
    The advantage I can see is that he taunts and has counter chance, so in a counter attack he has a chance to regain taunt. If you have him maxed, he can regain protection up. With droids, you might have enough time to win before he dies. I think the most useful thing about him would be the ability to daze Wedge. But on a droids team, who would you replace? 86 maybe.
  • Spiro
    58 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    crzydroid wrote: »
    The advantage I can see is that he taunts and has counter chance, so in a counter attack he has a chance to regain taunt. If you have him maxed, he can regain protection up. With droids, you might have enough time to win before he dies. I think the most useful thing about him would be the ability to daze Wedge. But on a droids team, who would you replace? 86 maybe.

    Yes, we have to remove 86, but that removal adds in the ability for 88 to use his AOE, which he currently cannot use against Wiggs teams. so the loss in major firepower is made up for somewhat, and the ability block from 88 and HK's AOE will turn the tide, i hope. battles will take longer, but at least i can win, hopefully. Unless you are foolish enough to run an arena team without a taunter...than you will feel the firepower of a full offensive droid team (remove B2, put 86 back in). I love no taunter teams.
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    K-2 so not worth it.
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