Cantina Omega, Myth or do they really exist?

Title says it. I got none beating any of them way back when I did. I've now likely 30+ refreshes since beating and have gotten 0. Has anyone ever got one from Cantina farming?


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    Uh... I have too many junk mods to test this.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    I got ONE an it happened when I completed 8-b for the first time.
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    I already spent more than 3,000 energy there and got ZERO omegas.
    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
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    You'll run out of stuff to omega sooner rather than later and then they'll pile up... Dont waste perfectly good energy chasing them
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    I've done about 15 refreshes and got zero. Not doing any more.
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    You'll run out of stuff to omega sooner rather than later and then they'll pile up... Dont waste perfectly good energy chasing them

    I have every cantina farm at 7* and I have mods coming outa my ears. Those Zetas take 10 and I'm close to Zeta number 2.
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    Got one the first and only time I simmed it. Not a myth.
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    Lucky you. Grats. I've simmed through 200 refreshes yet again 0.
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    With the higher payout for ships and ally points and what seems like a better purple mat3 drop rate, I have spent so much energy in Cantina 8... at least three weeks worth of refreshes through 200 crystals (and up to 400 during double drop) and have yet to see one. I'd be happy to see it match the GW drop rate for omegas, which seems like I get about 1 a week.
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    I have not heard of getting one until here; out of a combined2452 tries, our guild has never seen a payout on this. I have personally not gotten any in over 1500 battles. @CG_Kozispoon
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